Chapter 16

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Ana's POV:

I peed on both of the sticks and started waiting for the results. The instructions said that it would take ninety seconds for the results to come. So I waited, and I never knew that someone could think so much in ninety seconds.

Will Christian accept this baby? We just got engaged and never actually thought about having babies in near future, but what would happen if I'm actually pregnant. Will he support me? Will he be with me the whole time? Or would he reject it and leave me alone? I could feel a headache forming. This is all so overwhelming.

I heard a soft knock on the door, "Ana it's been more than ninety seconds for sure", Sabrina said from the other side of the door. I snapped out of my thinking at the sound of her voice and looked at the first pregnancy test, the result was negative. I held out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding in and sighed, I was stressing over nothing. I then took the second test and my eyes widened in surprise. The second test's result was...positive.

I was beyond confused, I walked out the cubicle and handed Sabrina the test.

"What does this mean?" I asked with my hand on my temple.

"Unfortunately I don't have anymore pregnancy test kits with me or else we would have cleared this confusion now itself, I would say that you buy another kit and check for yourself at home or go and have a check up at your regular gynecologist", Sabrina said and patted my back.

"Don't stress on this Ana, if you're pregnant then you'll be able to handle it. Sure, there might be some drama but I've known the Grey's for a long time. Grace and Carrick adore kids and when they find out that they are going to have a grandchild, they'll burst with happiness", she said chuckling.

"And if you aren't pregnant then you don't have to think of it all. But an advice from the doctor, don't drink anymore alcohol unless you get a test. It won't be good for the little one, now let's go, the night is still young", she said and I smiled at her gratefully.

Back at the gala, I found Christian talking to Taylor, as soon as I reached them he said, "There you are", and pulled me to his side with his arm around my waist and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Can we head back home Christian?" I asked him. The baby stuff was still messing with my head.

"Sure, this party is almost over anyway. Are you feeling better now?" He asks me and I nodded in reply.

"I'm just tired and sleepy", I said and he picked me up in his arms, I squealed in surprise.

"Christian! Everyone's looking at us! Put me down", I whisper yelled.

"What? A guy is not supposed to look after his fiancee now? And with the heels you're wearing, it must hurt your feet", he said and I blushed. But then a question came into my mind, would he still be so caring if I was pregnant?

"Get a room you two", Mia said snapping me out of my thoughts. I blushed at what I said and Christian leaned into me and whispered, "I love it when you blush but I can think of a few other things to make you blush", if it was possible, I blushed even harder at his words.

"Anyway Mia, I can't find mom and dad, and Ana is pretty tired, so I'm going to take her home. Please wish them a goodnight from us." He said and Mia nodded, "Sure thing bro, you two have a good night and take care Ana" she said.

Christian and I said our goodbyes to Mia and headed out to the car. When he finally let me sit in my seat and went to talk to Carrick who was standing two cars down from us, I sent a message to my gynecologist, Dr. Greene, asking for an urgent check up tomorrow.


I have got the best readers! You guys crossed the goal in two days ! How cool is that!

Now on a serious note, I wanted to have your opinion on the following:

Should Ana be pregnant? Or not? Comment your views and I'll write the story according to them.

Goal for the next chapter: 385 votes and 160 comments (on the whole book so far)! I really want to cross over 500 votes when we reach chapter twenty, and it is totally up to you guys! So please vote on this chapter if you are liking the story so far :)

And yeah, smile, you're beautiful :)

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