Chapter 22

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Do you guys even remember who Stephen Morton is ?

Ana's POV:

It's been a week since I have been discharged from the hospital. I don't know why, but I don't feel like I belong here, with Stephen. And getting married to him? He is so much more older than me. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

"I got breakfast for you Rose", Stephen said coming in with a tray. He placed it on my lap and leaned in to kiss me, but I turned my head in the last moment and he ended up kissing my cheek instead. He chuckled and asked my, "Why  do you shy away from me ?"

"I, Stephen it's just that it's driving me mad not actually knowing who I am. And here you are taking such good care of me everyday, loving me. But no matter how much I try, I can't seem to remember anything", I tell him.

"There's one thing we can try, let me kiss you once. Maybe that will trigger some memories?" He said and I nodded hesitantly. He's such a loving guy, I should try my best to remember him.

He leaned in and kissed me, and I kissed him back. But I felt, nothing. No sparks, no feelings. The only thing I was feeling was as if I was doing the wrong thing. Like I was not supposed to be kissing him. It just felt..wrong. So I pulled back and Stephen gave me a small smile.

"Anything?" He asked me.

"I-I am sorry Stephen", I said looking down.

"Well I should head back to work. You have your breakfast and take rest, Rose", He stood up and smiled one last time at me before he left.

What he has told me so far is that we have been together for two years. We met at a local library here in China and it was love at first sight. We live in a small apartment with two bedrooms, one kitchen and one washroom. Stephen is a professor at the local high school so he is an average earning person. He also told me that I chose not to work since we got engaged to spend time planning our wedding. Speaking of wedding, he wanted to get married as soon as I was out of hospital due to my accident. But I denied, I said I would think of getting married only if I gain some, if not all of my memory back.

The doctor told me to rest for a week, so I decided to take a walk around the block today. Maybe I will go to the library, who knows it might help me remember something. All of the week I was cooped up in the apartment. So I hurriedly completed my breakfast and changed my outfit before heading out.

Christian's POV:

"What the fuck do you mean?" I screamed onto the phone. "It's been a fucking week and you still have got no trace of the recordings!"

"Listen to me and listen good, I won't hesitate to come down to your office and sue your pathetic security system. A man broke into my house, and kidnapped my fiancee and you have no clue. None of your alarms worked! I'm so going to sue you!" I said and threw my phone on the couch. I felt so angry. My Ana is out, god knows what condition she is in. I just hope she is alive and my baby is fine. If something happens to them, I won't be able to forgive myself. I should have taken her to Taiwan with me. I felt so angry at myself that I punched a wall, I could see that it cut my skin but I didn't care, I repeatedly punched it.

We have done all we could, we traced all possible threats and enemies, but we had no lead. I couldn't find her.

"Christian! Christian stop!" My mom said pulling my hand away from the wall.

"Stop it ! Get back to your senses Christian, punching walls and hurting yourself won't do you any well!" She scolded me and I couldn't help myself but burst into tears.

"Mom, she's carrying my baby. We were going to have a baby!" I sobbed and I saw tears pool in her eyes too. She pulled me into a hug, "Oh, my poor baby", she rubbed my back to console me. "Don't you worry son, we will find her", I heard my father's voice and pulled away from mom to see that he was in my office too. He walked towards me and pulled me into a hug.

"Christian! Christian!" Mia said running inside my office.

"What happened dear?" Mom asked her and I pulled away from dad.

"I mi-might have a lead on where Ana is, or should I say who kidnapped her", she said and I ran to her and grabbed her arms.

"Tell me all that you know", I said sternly and she nodded.

Mia's POV:


"Okay mom, I am just getting lunch for all of us, I doubt anyone is in the mood to go out. I'll be there in twenty. Love you", I texted mom as I was sitting and waiting for my order to be completed.

This week has been a mess, with Ana disappearance, everyone is tensed and Christian looks so broken. I honestly miss Ana, she is a friend to me and we had plans of celebrating Christian's birthday this week. Unfortunately we couldn't do anything. I really hope she's​ okay. Christian must be feeling shit, and he kept blaming himself for leaving her alone while he had to attend a conference in Taiwan.

"Takeaway No.12,  your order is ready!", I heard the worker yell and stood up, finally the order was ready. As I walked towards the counter, I saw Elena, sitting on a table with a young man. I don't know why but mom suddenly told us all to cut ties with her. I hated that woman anyway. But when I heard what she was talking about, I froze and quickly hid behind a pillar.

"So how's Ana doing? Finally got her to sleep with you?" She chuckled, she was talking to someone on the phone. So I didn't know what the other person replied or sounded like.

"A little forcing never hurt anybody dear. Just enjoy your time with her. You have her for a lifetime now and no one would ever imagine to search for her in China.", she chuckled again and I wanted nothing more than to go and scratch her with my nails. But if she has Ana, then I have to be careful. She might be our only lead and I should tell this to Christian first. Forgetting all about lunch, I hurried outside and asked my bodyguard to drive me to Christian's office.

- Flashback​ ends -


Hello my lovelies! Here's a big update for you all. This chapter is more than 1200 words long, which is obviously twice the length I usually write !

Do share your thoughts on the story so far by commenting on the chapter and work your brains and you'll remember who Stephen Morton is. Anyway if you don't remember you'll find out soon :)

Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter!

Next update: Day after tomorrow!

Keep smiling :)

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