Chapter 33

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Here's your update as promised :)

Justin Bieber or Shawn Mendes?


Ana's POV:

"Christian, seriously this is enough for the baby for now", I said for what felt like the millionth time as Christian entered another baby shop but I stopped when I saw a girl, hiding in the corner.

"Hey, sweetie. Where is your mommy and daddy?", I asked her crouching down to her level. She seemed to be about two years of age and with blue eyes and curly hairs, she was beyond beautiful.

"Momma", she said reaching out and touching my hair and I felt my heart melt for her.

"Ana what are you - who is she?" Christian asked coming beside me and I stood up to answer him.

"No, Momma!" The girl clutched her arms around my leg and I couldn't help myself, I picked her up.

"I found her scared,sitting in the corner of the street", I told Christian​ and he nodded at me.

"What's your name baby?"

"Me Mona!", She said as she snuggled up more into my neck. I love her already.

"What do we do Christian?"

"Let's take her home with us for now, I'll tell Taylor to look for her relatives."

"Okay, she is just so adorable Christian", I said and he wrapped his arm around me.

"I hungry", Mona whispered into my neck. I looked over at Christian and he said, "Let's go get some food"

Taylor raised an eyebrow when he saw Mona but when Christian explained him everything, he took a picture of her face and then called someone. Currently we were standing in a line to order our food, I had no idea what Mona liked, so I decided to join Christian in the line so that she could choose whatever she wanted.

"What do you want baby?", Christian asked turning towards us.

"Yes, what do you want baby?", I asked Mona, who was still cuddled up in my arms.

"I was asking you Ana", Christian chuckled and I blushed.

"Oh, I'll just have blueberry pancakes"

"I want", Mona pitched in

"You want blueberry pancakes too baby?", I asked her in a baby voice and she giggled, "Pretty Momma", it felt like my heart could burst at any moment now. I don't know why but I just didn't want her to stop calling me Momma. I loved it when she said it.

"Okay, we will have two blueberry pancakes and one coffee, black", Christian said to the worker and she smiled warmly at us. She looked about fifty years old.

"You guys have such a beautiful daughter. And I can see one is on the way, what a wonderful family", she said and I felt my eyes fill up. Would this have been us if I didn't lose our baby girl? Would we be out for breakfast like this when our daughter wanted to eat out?

"Ana?" I looked up to see Christian looking at me with an emotion I couldn't quite put my hand on.

"Yeah?" I asked, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Our food is here, let's go get a table", he said and we went to a booth. I placed Mona on a baby chair which was provided by the restaurant. She was now laughing at me as I made silly faces at her. Christian was feeding her and I knew that he liked her as well.

"Ana, would this be us and our baby boy in two years?" I looked at Christian and pecked him on the lips.

"Definitely Christian", I said and I swear I saw his eyes fill up with tears before he excused himself and went to the washroom.

As he came back, Mona exclaimed, "Dada!", Referring to Christian and to say that he looked surprised would be an understatement.

"Let's get home", Christian said and I went to pick Mona, but he stopped me.

"You're already carrying a child", he said, placing his hand on my belly. "Let me carry her", I nodded.

Christian picked her up and held her to his chest as she played with the buttons of his shirt and occasionally giggled as Christian played with her. In just two hours, this girl had us wrapped around her fingers.


Sweet or nah? Do tell ! :D
A chapter without drama? Yes, I'm capable of doing that!

Please vote and comment your views on this chapter & the story so far! I love hearing from you guys, it makes my day ❤

Also also also, Perfect Strangers is on #470 in romance 😱

Please read Perfect Strangers and leave your votes and comments on it! It would mean a lot to me 💕😇

Keep smiling :)

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