Chapter 8

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Ana's POV:

True to his words, Christian and I did spend the night making love multiple times and it was no surprise that I woke up later than usual, surprisingly Christian was still asleep. Looking at him made me remember what actually happened the morning after the club accident.

--- Flashback ---

"Ana what's wrong?" Christian asked and pulled me into his chest, his warmth enveloped me as he tried soothing me down, so that I would stop sobbing.

"Christian, yesterday at the club, when you told me to go to the washroom and as I as was going, some guy grabbed me against the wall-" Christian swore loudly which cut me off. "Shit Ana, why didn't you tell me there itself?" He asked me.

"Hear me out first" I said to him. As I repeated what the guy had told me, Christian decided that it would be best if we acted like we actually broke up and make the guy believe our act. We, along with Taylor, decided that it would be the best if we staged our breakup in front of the paparazzi. And then Christian would come to the bar dressed as a normal person, hiding his identity behind a hoodie. And Taylor would be parked outside, just in case we needed him.

-- Flashback ends --

I saw Christian's eyes flutter open, and he smiled up at me. "Good morning" I said.

"A very good morning indeed" He said and climbed on top of me. "Again?" I giggled and he smiled at me, "I can never get enough of you", and just like that we spent another hour lost in ourselves. As we were eating breakfast, Taylor came in, "Sir, we didn't find anything on the said mistress" he said.

"Don't worry about that Taylor, I have an inkling who it might be" Christian said, looking tensed.

"You do?" I asked him, surprise and hurt evident in my voice.

"Yes, about that. As soon as we had our fake breakup, I got a call from Elena." As soon as I heard her name, I tensed up. "She was trying to console me and at the same time making me remember that she knew this would happen, she also wanted to meet me that very night and surprisingly it was the same bar you mentioned. But you are my first priority, I would never choose her or anyone else over you. I love you that much Ana and regarding that love, I need to ask you something" He finished with a sigh.

"As-ask me something?" I asked, afraid that he was going to say that we needed a break, or worse that we needed to break up. God, I wouldn't be able to handle that.

"Before you get anything bad inside your head" Christian said and sat in front of me on his knees, "I know that you deserve much more than this. But this is all I have to offer, and I am a bit selfish Ana. There have been so many times that I have been close to losing you. And the mere thought of it petrifies me. So here I am, asking you Miss Anastasia Rose Steele, will you marry me?" Christian said and I gaped at him as he pulled out a ring from his pocket. It was so beautiful and my mind and heart were a mess but I knew what to do, what to say. With tears pouring from my eyes, I started jumping around. "Yes yes, yes I will marry you" I said and Christian stood up and enveloped me in a bone crushing hug. "For a second there I thought you had lost your mind" Christian said, and placed the ring where it was meant to be.

"Crazy for you, that I definitely am" I grinned at him and he placed a deep kiss on my lips.

"So, when are we going to tell our families?" I asked Christian, playing with my ring as we lay in our bed. "Whenever you want baby, I was thinking of inviting them over dinner sometime. The sooner the better." He said and kissed my hair.

"What about tomorrow?" I said, looking up at him.

"I have no problem. As long as you're fine with it" He said and I smiled at him.

I couldn't wait to find out their reactions.


Goal: 75 votes and 45 comments on the whole book for the next chapter.

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