Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to Sabrina_78 as she actually went back and commented and voted on every chapter! I'm so grateful for your support, thanks a ton ! :)


Christian's POV:

So this is what Mia warned me about, I was about to answer Ana when I felt her go limp in my arms.

"Ana! Ana!", I tried to shake her but she was still limp. A crowd started forming around us and I saw Mia push through them.

"Mia, find mom and bring her upstairs to the room, I'm taking Ana there. Hurry!" She nodded in reply and rushed to find mom. I scooped Ana in my arms and took her to the room upstairs. Gently lying her on the bed, I took a glass of water and sprinkled it on her eyes, she stirred a bit and I relaxed.

"God damn it Ana, this is what happens when you have too much to drink!" I shouted at no one in particular, she was still unconscious.

"Christian dear", my mom said walking into the room.

"Why don't you go out while I check on Ana? I'm sure she passed out from all the drinking and was probably tired." I nodded at her, I wouldn't have left Ana alone if it wasn't my mother who was attending to her. I went out the room and shut the door behind me.

"Everything alright sir?" Taylor asked me.

"My mother is checking her currently, she's sure there's nothing to worry about." I sighed.

"Boss, your father is calling you downstairs to meet someone", Taylor informed me.

"Okay, you stay here and call me when Ana wakes up or anything happens." I ordered him and went downstairs.

---Meanwhile in the room---

Ana's POV:

My head hurts so much, I flutter my eyes open to see Grace sitting on a chair beside the bed.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"You had too much to drink and you passed out downstairs, Christian brought you here and I just wanted to check you. How do you feel?" She asked me.

"I'm having a terrible headache. Apart from that, I feel fine." I told her with a smile. She handed me a pill and a glass of water which I swallowed down in a gulp.

"Next time don't drink so much Ana", she told me in a stern motherly tone. I chuckled, "I won't, I feel so much better already".

"Also Ana, I wanted to talk about what happened earlier with Elena. I can't thank you enough for keeping her away from my child. If you hadn't been talking to her that time, I would have never known about this", Grace sighed and I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

I leaned forward to hug her, "None of this was your fault Grace, how would you have known? And don't even think that Christian blames you or something like that, he loves you a lot. I can tell that", I pulled back and smiled at her.

"Thank you so much dear, we should head back downstairs now", she said.

"You go, I'll just use the restroom and be there", she placed a kiss on my forehead and went out the room.

As soon as I stepped out the bed, I felt a wave of nausea pass through me and I hurried to the restroom, emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I really shouldn't have drank so much. I saw mouthwash on the counter and washed my mouth, I hate the feeling of vomit inside my mouth. After freshening up I headed outside the room, Taylor was standing there.

"How do you feel, Miss Steele?" He asked me.

"I'm fine Taylor. And how many times do I tell you to call me Ana?" I smiled at him.

"Sorry Ana. Boss is stuck with some businessman so he asked me to take you to him, he's downstairs."

"It's okay Taylor, let's go", I said and we walked back to the gala, it was about to end soon.

I was walking towards Christian when Mia grabbed me, I motioned Taylor to go to Christian.

"Come on Ana, you never got to meet my friends!" Mia said excitedly pulling me towards two women.

"Leah, Sabrina, this is Christian's fiancee Ana. Ana they are my closest friends, Leah and Sabrina," Mia introduced us as we shook hands.

"Leah, I'm so glad you could make it despite the difficulties you are facing", Mia said to her and I looked at Mia confusingly, Leah observing my expression spoke up.

"Actually Ana, I'm three months pregnant, and I have the worst case of morning sickness and passing out any pregnant woman can have. I don't even know why they call it morning sickness, I threw up the food I ate about an hour ago and my doctor..." She trailed off but I wasn't exactly listening anymore.

All that was going on in my mind was. Morning sickness. Passing out. Throwing up whenever.

All of these happened to me today. My palms were getting sweaty now.

Am I pregnant? Was the only thing I could think of before I felt I would pass out again but I balanced myself.

"Are you okay?" Sabrina asked me.

"Yeah, I think I need to use the restroom", I said and excused myself. As I went and splashed my face with cold water, I felt a little better, then I saw Sabrina walk into the restroom.

"Hey", she said. "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm good", I replied with a smile.

"Ana, I'm a gynecologist. And Mia told me that you passed out today before and I saw the way you tensed up when Leah was telling you about her pregnancy. Are you pregnant?" She asked me.

"I don't know Sabrina, I just realised the symptoms when Leah was talking about it. I threw up today but it might have been because of the drinking", I said placing my hand on my temple.

Sabrina reached into her purse and pulled out something. "Here, go inside and take this", she placed the item on my hand. I looked at it and saw that it was a pregnancy test.

"Many of my patients need it so I keep some in my purse, actually here's another, we can't always rely on one test", she said handing me another test.

"Go inside, I'll be waiting and don't worry I won't tell this to anyone" she said and I couldn't help but hug her. She was such a nice lady.

"Thanks", I said and headed inside the cubicle. Here goes nothing.


I didn't reach the goal but I updated anyway because of Sabrina_78

In return of your support I named a character after you, I hope you liked the surprise ! :D

Want a character named after yourself? Just give me lots of votes and comments and I'll name a character after you. ;)

Goal: 355 votes and 140 comments for the next chapter.

Quick question: How many languages do you know? I know three!

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