Chapter 21

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Ana's POV:

"Just call me when you get there", I told Christian.

"I will, don't worry", he said and kissed my forehead.

"How can you expect me not to worry, I'm leaving my pregnant fiancée behind for some stupid conference all the way in Taiwan."

"You're saying that as if you're going away for a long time. It's just two days Christian. I'll miss you like crazy but work is important", I said hugging him and he pulled me in for a kiss.

The sound of someone clearing their throat broke us apart.

"Sir, the jet is ready and just waiting for you", Taylor said and left us.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" Christian asked me.

"You will be busy with work and I would rather not deal with morning sickness on the plane", also I want to plan your surprise birthday party which is in two days, I thought to myself.

"Okay then. Bye, I love you both" he said placing his hand on my belly.

"We love you too", I kissed him again and he left.

This house seemed too big without Christian, I had done my office work had my dinner and it was only nine. If only Christian was here to keep me company. The sound of something falling broke me out of my thoughts. I glanced around for my phone, only to remember that I left it in our study while working. Shit.

I grabbed an antique vase which was pretty heavy, just in case someone broke in and tiptoed my way upstairs to find my phone and alert someone. As I stepped on the first step, I felt something hit my neck.

I grabbed it and saw that it was an injection. I felt dizzy and was about to fall when someone caught me. All I could make out was that it was a man with a mask over his head.

"Long time no see, my rose", were the last words I heard before I completely passed out.

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was that I was on a plane.

"I'm so glad you're awake baby, I got so worried", I looked at him in confusion.

"Oh yeah, the doctor said that you have suffered some memory loss. So you must be thinking who I am right?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm Stephen Morton and you're Rose Morton, we are getting married soon", he said and kissed my forehead.


You guys asked for drama, so drama is what you'll get !

I hope you guys like the story so far.

Next Update Goal : Total of 525 votes and 260 comments on the whole book so far!

Keep smiling :)

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