Chapter 7

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Again, you people helped me reach my goal in 15 hours! Thank you so much! Also, I went to the doctors yesterday and I discovered that I've caught the viral fever 🤒 so please bear with me if there's any errors in this chapter. I'll try not to make any.

Moving on...

Martin's POV:

He wasn't supposed to be here. This wasn't part of the plan. He stormed towards me and pushed me off Anastasia. He quickly untied her hands and feet, whispering sweet things to her and sprinkling water to her face. I could see that Ana was starting to gain consciousness, I had to do something.

I grabbed the vase kept on the table beside me and proceeded to hit him on the head. But my plan was ruined as a man came and stopped me, "Not happening mister" he said and pressed a spot on my neck which made me faint in a second.

Christian's POV:

I was scared shitless when I saw the fucker on top of Ana, so I pushed him off her and let Taylor take care of him. I could see Ana's beautiful blue eyes fluttering back to consciousness, I picked her up and walked towards the washroom, I wouldn't let Taylor see my Ana this way, I was already furious that Martin saw her. She was mine, only mine.

"Ch-Christian" Ana spoke softly and started to cry.

"Shh, baby, I'm here, I've got you. Let me change you back into your clothes and then we can go back home" I said and pecked her lips. She nodded and gave me a small smile.

In five minutes Ana was completely dressed and when she met my gaze, I couldn't help myself. I knew Taylor was outside with Martin so that wouldn't be a problem. I picked Ana up and placed her on the counter and kissed her possessively, the fact that someone else was about to take her was making me mad at myself. I kissed her deep and hard, and was happy when she kissed me back with the same intensity.

"You're mine Ana" I said when we pulled back and placed our foreheads against each other.

"Only yours Christian" She said and I picked her up and placed her on the floor. "Now, I believe we have a plan to complete" I said as I took her hand in mine. Together we walked out into the room and saw that Martin was now wide awake and his hands and feet were tied. Taylor did a good job. I went to Martin and punched his jaw, "That's for touching my Ana" I said, before I could hit him once again, Taylor said something which relieved me a lot, "Boss, I found the photos and burned them already" He said.

"Good work Taylor. Now Martin, tell me, how did you get those pictures?" I said to him and grabbed his neck, giving him a deadly glare. "You better start speaking now boy" Taylor said to him, I could sense that he was now losing his patience just like I was.

"I-I this wasn't p-part of the plan. You weren't s-supposed to be here" Martin said, scared. "Well that was your plan, our plan was a bit different which is none of your concern." I said to him gritting my teeth.

"No, Christian, let him know. Well, Martin as much disgusted as I am with you, I'll let you know our plan. The day after the incident at the club when I and Christian were lying in our bed early in the morning after spending the night making love to each other. I told him everything and what followed was simply a plan made by Christian, Taylor and me" Ana told him with a smirk and a mean voice. She looked damn sexy as she said that and I couldn't wait to get her home. But we had some important things to do now.

"But, the media" Martin started to speak but Ana cut him off, "As I said, part of the plan. We will let the media know all about it now"

"Alright our story time is over, now you tell me, from where did you get these pictures" I said to Martin.

"M-mistress gave it to me" He said.

"Mistress ? What was her name? " I asked him, confused.

"I don't know, but she told me that if I break you two up, I could fuck Anastasia" He said and I saw Ana shiver. I punched him on the jaw again.

"Where does your mistress live? And how does she look?" Taylor asked him and I walked to Ana and put my arm around her waist, knowing that she would be comforted by that, she placed her hand on my chest and closed her eyes for a second.

"I never saw her, I just talked to her on the phone, she told me to pick up the pictures outside Main Street, and when she saw the news of Ana and you breaking up, she rewarded me by sending two girls to my house that night who I fucked mercilessly" He said. I felt Ana tense and shiver. It was obvious that she was thinking what would have happened if we didn't show up. I kissed her hairs and rubbed her arm. She leaned in closer to me. It was amazing to know that she found comfort in me.

"I was planning to do the same with Ana but you ruined-" Martin started to speak but I went ahead and punched him repeatedly which made him pass out in no time.

"Christian! Christian stop!" Ana came to me.
"Taylor will take care of this, let's go home, your hands are bleeding" She said and I could see tears in her eyes. "Shh, don't cry baby please. I hate to see you cry" I said and pulled her into my arms.

"Let's go home Christian please" She said and I nodded, as I proceeded to take her hand she shook her head and ran to the washroom and came back with a first aid kit. This girl amazes me to no limits. When she was done tending to my hands, I quickly pulled her out of the room with me and rushed to the elevators which, god seemed to be with me, was empty. As we entered, I trapped Ana by placing my arms on both her sides and kissed her deep and hard. We both needed this badly. We both needed each other like air and I was going to make love to her as soon as I get home. "Prepare yourself for a few fantastic rounds of lovemaking, love" I whispered in her ear and she shivered but the smile on her face told me that she wanted it just as much as I wanted it.


Goal: 55 votes and 40 comments for the next chapter !


Nice guesses guys! But we still haven't found out about the mistress! But she will be revealed in the next few chapters!

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