Chapter 24

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Ana's POV:

I woke up tied to find myself still in the room,on the ground. As I stood up, I felt a wave of nausea hit me and I rushed to the bathroom and heaved into the toilet. God I feel terrible, and sick. But I can't stay here any longer. I have to get out of this place, away from Stephen. I sighed and got out of the washroom, trying to be quiet as I went through the apartment. The clock read 16:30, I was out for about two hours.

I sighed in relief when Stephen was nowhere to be found. I quickly grabbed some cash which Stephen left behind for emergencies and walked to the door. I grabbed the handle and turned it, only to find out that it was locked from outside.


What to do now?

Christian's POV:

Fuck. Mia just told me what she heard and to say that I'm furious would be an understatement.

"Taylor! Sawyer!" I shouted, knowing that they were just outside the door of my office. They were inside in a second, all alert.

"Sawyer, I want you to go and get Elena's ass here. I don't care how you do it. Drug her, drag her. Anything! I just need her here under an hour!", I ordered him and he nodded his head, before heading out the office.

"And Taylor, I need you to get the jet ready. We are going to China asap!" I tell him.

"I'm on it boss", he said and left the office too.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault. Fuck", I whispered to myself.

"It's not your fault Christian, you didn't know that Elena would do something like this. Nobody would have thought of it, dear" My mom said, trying to console me.

"No mom it is-"

"Shush, you need to eat Christian. You didn't have anything after yesterday's dinner. Now don't even think of saying now or else I'll force-feed you, you need the energy", Mia cut me off.

"For Ana, Christian", Kate said and I sighed. I guess I should eat, I have to be on a twelve hour flight after this. God, twelve hours Ana. Just twelve hours. And I'll have you back here, you're not alone in this situation. I just hope you and my baby are okay.

After about fifteen minutes, Sawyer barged into the office with a raging Elena trashing in his arms.

"Let me go! Christian,if you missed me that much, you could have called me and I would be here myself", she sais, her expression turning from irritated to sickening smile in a second.

"Elena", I started to say but Mia cut me off, again.

"You bitch! Where exactly is Ana?" Mia said as she started pulling Elena's hair. As amusing it was to watch it, I had to get to Ana fast.

I passed a look to Sawyer and he pulled Mia away from Elena.

"Now, we can do this the easy way. But I won't be afraid to use the hard way if you don't co-operate" I tell her as I walk towards her.

"Baby, you know I love your hard ways", she said to me and I winced.

"I don't have time for your bullshit Elena. Just tell me where my Ana is, or I'll get all your business gone, your reputation could be gone in a second. Just one phone call and you would be over!" I screamed at her and saw tears pool into her eyes.

"You wouldn't Christian. What about us?" She said, tears now trailing down her face.

"Oh I so would. And there is no 'US' Elena, get that inside your head. I love Ana. Now tell me where she is or.." I said and picked up my phone

"Okay, okay. Don't call anyone! I'll tell you where she is", Elena said.

And this is how now I'm only four hours away from her. Elena told me that she purposely contacted Stephen Morton, Ana's stepfather and they planned to inject her with a memory loss drug. God, I don't know what must be going on in her mind now. I tracked Stephen's phone location, I got his contact from Elena obviously.

I'm coming for you Ana. I won't leave you, not alone.


Hello my lovelies! Thank you for your constant support! This chapter is for you all who commented and voted on the story, and proved that you are a dedicated reader.

Goal for next chapter: 610 votes and 330 comments on the whole book so far. Go crazy ;)

Keep smiling :)

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