Chapter 14

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Are my eyes playing tricks on me?

#732 in fanfiction?! WOWWWW!

Thank you thank you guys for your support and for reading my book


   Ana's POV:

"We WHAT?!"

"Oh my god! Christian will leave me".

"I am a prostitute!!"I kept rotating around Mia and saying these things.

"Ana, you are over reacting, I shouldn't have let you drink so much", Mia said pinching the bridge of her nose.

"No Mia, you aren't understanding. I am a PROSTITUTE! You are a prostitute, all the women in this room are prostitutes!" I whisper yelled but I guess some women heard me and gave me the stink eye, so I gave them one in return. Stupid prostitutes. Wait, I am one myself. Shame on you Anastasia Rose Steele.

"We are not selling ourselves Ana, we are just selling our first dance to raise money for the auction, understand?" Mia told me.

"We are technically selling our body, the person who buys our first dance will touch us!" I tell her.

"Listen it's not like Christian will let anyone else have your first dance, so don't worry", she told me.

"What? Christian is going to buy me?!" I said with disbelief. "Why does he need to buy me? I already agreed to marry him", I said.

"Your dance Ana, not you. Your dance!" Mia screamed at me.

"Miss Ana is next to be on stage", someone said.

"Finally", Mia sighed. "Behave yourself up there, actually you just keep quiet, okay?" I nodded my head in reply.

When I finally made it to the stage, I noticed around thirty men standing in front of the stage looking me up and down, I felt so cheap. So I went in towards them, bent down and whispered, " I am not a prostitute. So don't get any ideas in your heads okay? If you do, I will do something you won't ever forget." I got up and went to stand in the center of the stage.

I saw Christian looking at me confused, then Mia walked up to him and said something in his ear, he visibly looked surprised and then nodded to her and turned around to face me once again.

"So gentlemen, next we have is our lovely Ana. She can speak eight languages, is great at things you can't even imagine, she is a sweet and kind lady and she definitely isn't a pro- sorry about that it seems like someone was trying to play a joke", The announcer said. Joke? What joke? I wrote that down myself so nobody would think that I am a prostitute. Great, now everyone is going to bid on me, way to be so cheap Ana, But Mia told me to be quiet so I wouldn't say anything.

"So the bidding starts at five hundred dollars!" That's it? I thought prostitutes made good money!

"A thousand dollars!" Someone yelled from the crowd.

"Two thousand five hundred! ", another man yelled.

"Ten thousand dollars!" Wait, is that Jose? I didn't know he was invited. But boy was he bidding high.

"Going once! Going tw-"

"One hundred thousand dollars." Christian said in a calm voice and smirked at me, I looked at him in disbelief.

"One hundred thousand! Going once, going twice and sold! Lovely Ana's first dance is bought by Mr. Christian Grey!" The announcer said and I could feel the other girls jealous stares on me.

Christian came forward and helped me off the stage, I quickly leaned into him and whisper yelled into his ear, "The wedding is off!"

"What?!" Christian exclaimed.


Dun dun dun!

Cliffhanger? Such a cliffhanger? I think not, I am not so cruel.

*evil smirk* the chapter is still on guys.


"What else do you expect me to say after this Christian?" I said with tears in my eyes.

"After what Ana? What are you talking about? And why the fuck are you crying?!" Christian said.

"I don't want to marry someone who spends hundred thousand of dollars on prostitutes!" I said and hit his chest.

Christian groaned, "So this is what Mia was warning me about!".


Now the chapter is over.

Again I am getting reads but very less votes and comments so as I am back to regular updates I guess I should bring back the goal thing too.

So for the next chapter I want a total of 300 votes and 125 comments on the whole book so far, so if you haven't voted on the previous chapters please go back and vote and comment too, I am not asking for much.

Also vote and comment your views about this chapter down here! Keep reading, keep supporting.

Keep smiling :)

Quick question to help with the comments: What's your age?

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