Chapter 17

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Ana's POV:

My palms were sweating as I waited anxiously for Dr.Greene to come and tell me the results, I was not so tensed about it anymore as I had a conversation with Christian last night.


"Christian, how do you feel about babies?" I asked him as I got into bed.

"With you, I want at least three. With anybody else, not at all", he said and pulled me to his side.

I hit his chest playfully, "Should I be worried that you even mentioned anybody else?" I traded him.

"Not at all baby, I'm yours", he said and leaned in to kiss me, well let's just say we had a very eventful night then.

--Flashback ends--

"So Ana, the results are here", Dr.Greene said, entering the room with a piece of paper in her hand.

"Congratulations, Ana, you are pregnant" she said and before I knew it, tears were pouring down my cheeks, I've always loved babies. And having one with Christian is really a dream come true for me. I squealed and hugged Dr.Greene to which she chuckled.

"How far along am I?" I asked her.

"About eight weeks. You should come visit me after a month for your monthly checkup, I'm giving you some vitamins which would be really good for you and your baby. Just read my prescription before you take them. Also here's a book, it has all the information you need to know about first time pregnancies", she said handing me a prescription and the book.

"Thank you, I'm so happy" I said as I stood up to leave her cabin. She passed me a grin as I left.

Now I should really think about a way to tell Christian about it. I hope he would be as happy as I am, I mean sure it has been just a short time since we got engaged but it feels just.. right. I took my phone out to text Christian.

Me: Hey, what time will you be back tonight?

Christian: Hey, I'll be a bit late tonight. Is everything okay?

Me: Yes everything's great. I'll be waiting for you. Love you x. :)

Christian: I love you more :) Are you at work?

Me: Yes, I am. I just got back from Dr.Greene's office.

Christian: All good with you?

Me: Yes everything's perfect :) Now Mr.Grey, if you'll excuse me, some people have work to do and editors to interview. See you tonight :*

Christian: See you soon, soon to be Mrs.Grey. You have no idea how much I loved writing it, now I can't stop thinking about us and our marriage.

Me: I love it too, soon to be husband of mine. I can't wait to see you.
Love, Mrs.Grey <3

My intercom rang and I picked it up, "Ready for the interview Ana? They will be here in about five minutes" Andrea, my assistant asked me.

"Yes, you can start sending them in as soon as they are here." I replied.

-Five minutes later-

I was standing and looking out of my window when I heard a knock on the door, "Come in", I said. Still thinking about my baby, I didn't turn around to see who walked in.

"Good afternoon, Miss Steele. I'm Luke Brown, and I've applied to be a editor in this publishing house", the person said and I quickly turned around to look at him.


So, I didn't complete my last goal but I updated anyway because of you people who did vote and messaged me to update. So here's an updated for my dedicated readers ! :)

Goal for the next chapter: 400 votes and 180 comments on the whole book so far.

And this time I won't be updating till I reach the goal because I have school too guys :)

Keep smiling :D

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