Chapter 26

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The last word at the end of this update is very important !!

Christian's POV:

Ladies and gentlemen, we have successfully landed. You can now undo your seatbelts and step off the plane. We hope you enjoy your time ahead.

The speaker echoed. Everyone started to get off the plane one by one, Taylor arranged two SUV's for us. I, Taylor, Elena, Elliot and mom decided to share one and dad, Ray, Mia, Carrick and Sawyer decided to share one.

"Taylor, how long would it take us to reach the location?" I asked him and he looked at me through the rearview mirror, "Just fifteen minutes sir, if we don't get much traffic". I was constantly tapping my foot on the floor, I was getting impatient by each minute passing.

"Step on it, Charles", I told the driver. Taylor or I couldn't drive here because we didn't have a passport which was accepted here in China. Or else it would surely be me behind the wheel right now. We were currently passing through an area with many three storeyed buildings, an ambulance passed by us, it's siren on. Someone might have been in an accident or something, but I didn't care. I had to get to Ana.

"Just here, second one on the left", Taylor told the driver and I got alert, "We are here boss", Taylor said and we all unbuckled our seatbelts, rushing towards the apartment. "Which floor?" I asked Taylor, "I could just track the location sir, I don't know the floor or apartment number", he said and I felt so angry.


"2B", Elena cut me off and I looked at her in confusion. "It's on the second floor, 2B. Stephen told me the address.", She explained and I rushed inside the building. Not bothering to use the elevators, I took the staircase, Taylor following hot on my heels. There it was, 2B, Ana.

I knocked on the door, more like banged on it but nobody opened it. I couldn't wait so I turned to face Taylor and stepped away from the door, "Take it down" I said and he got it open in about ten seconds. We both entered the apartment and it was really quiet, as if there was nobody inside.

"Ana! Ana! Stephen!" I shouted, checking the kitchen, the bedrooms and the bathroom, but both of them were nowhere to be found.

"They are not here sir", Taylor said and I grabbed my head in my hands. I was losing my mind.

Just then we heard someone enter the apartment and curse, I and Taylor hid behind the kitchen counter. From the curse, we knew it was a male.

"Fuck, what did that bitch do now?" He said and I felt my blood boil at his words.

"Rose! Rose", he started searching for her when Taylor and I stood up and Taylor pointed a gun at his head.

"You'll get your share of roses at your funeral, bastard", Taylor said, he and Ana had gotten close in the past few months, he treated her as his own daughter and was protective over her, which totally explained his behaviour.

"What? How? You're not supposed to be here!" Stephen exclaimed and I chuckled.

"I'm supposed to be wherever Ana is, now tell me, where is she?" I ask him and he shook his head negatively.

"I don't know" he sighed. I kicked him on the floor and pressed my foot on his stomach, "Where. Is. She?" I asked, pressing my foot into his stomach with pressure and he groaned in pain, "I swear man, I had locked the apartment from outside so she doesn't go anywhere! I have no idea how she got out or where she is. She is so gonna pay for this", he said and I crouched down on the floor and slapped him hard, "You have no right to talk of Ana like that", I said and spit on his face. This guy deserved much worse.

"Christian!" My mom shouted, entering the apartment. "We know where Ana is!" Elliot said and I snapped my head at their direction, "What? Where is she?"

"At the hospital, now we will talk on the way there. We have to hurry", Kate said. When did she get here?

I saw two policemen enter the apartment and handcuff a protesting Stephen, fortunately, nobody could save him now. I punched him one last time on his face which caused him to have a busted lip and then hurried down to the cars. Ana was in the hospital! I just hope that they are alright.

As soon as we entered the car, I bombarded Kate with questions. "How do you know she's in a hospital?"

"I obviously arrived a few minutes later than you people and I saw a lady and a child in the neighborhood, she asked me if I knew the girl living on the second floor. And when she described the appearance of that girl, a blind person would have known it was our Ana, she said that Ana was shouting for help from the window and when Rachel, the lady reached there after she called the ambulance, Ana was already passed out", Kate finished.

"How long ago was this?" I asked her.

"If you would have reached about ten minutes earlier, you would have seen her, the ambulance left about five minutes before you arrived", Kate said and then it clicked, the ambulance I saw when we were on the way here, Ana was inside that very ambulance, shit. We were so close to her.

"How much time till we reach the hospital?" I asked the driver.

"Just five more minutes", he replied. I just hope you're okay Ana. I'm so sorry that I was so late. I hope you still remember me, us, our life together. I don't know what I would do without you, I thought and I didn't know I was crying until Kate reached out to wipe out my tears.

"She will be alright Christian. We all love her, and we are with you", she said with tears in her eyes. I know she must be worried sick too, Ana was her bestfriend. These thoughts were running inside my head when I noticed that we pulled up in front of the hospital.


Again ? I updated without reaching the goal, again ? Well yes! Why ? Because I love my readers! 💕

Also because my first book on Wattpad, Fifty Shades Of Grey- Only You, finally hit 1K votes ! Yes it took about an year for that book to gain votes, but it's a short story so I'm not complaining. If you haven't checked it out then please go to my profile and give it a try. If you like this story, you'll surely love it too. ❤

Now I actually won't update till this goal is reached 😅 : 730 votes and 450 comments on the whole book so far.

Keep smiling :)


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