Chapter 9

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Ana's POV:

"Ana, shit, baby. I totally forgot to tell you, it slipped my mind completely because of the whole Martin thing." Christian said as he walked, more like barged into our room.

"What happened?" I asked him, curiosity laced in my voice.

"There's a gala, organised by my mother, which is going to take place tomorrow evening" Christian told me as he took a seat beside me on the bed.

"That is actually pretty great Christian, we can make the announcement there. There's gonna be paparazzi right?" I asked and he nodded in response, "Great, so we wouldn't have to hold a separate event for them. While we enter the gala, I'll place my left hand on your chest, which will surely show off my beautiful ring to them. And as we get inside, we would tell your family." I said and looked up to gauge his reaction.

"And then I'll make an announcement so that each and every single person present there would know that you're mine" Christian grinned at me and I couldn't help but smile back, rolling my eyes at his possessiveness.

"Rolling your eyes, Ana, you know you might have to face the consequences later right?" He says, smirking at me. "Who says I want to wait till then?" I smirked back at him and it was all it took for him to take me again..and again.

Next Evening:

As I looked at myself wearing the golden gown Christian bought me, I took a moment to examine myself in the mirror. Anastasia Steele, soon-to-be Anastasia Grey, I've changed so much, grown much more mature and I don't regret a thing I've done for this amazing man. If someone would have told me an year back, that I would be getting ready for an overly expensive gala, in an overly expensive gown with a big rock sitting on my left hand's finger, I would have laughed at their face.

My thoughts are interrupted as a pair of lips find a way to my neck, sucking on the spot which made me moan instantly, "Christian" I moaned, with my eyes closed.

"Ana, you look divine" He said and placed his arms around my waist, "Ready to go?" He asked me and I nodded my head in response.

On the way to the gala, my nerves were getting the best of me, I was getting nervous and tense. Not knowing how the news of our engagement would be received, which reminded me, "Christian, when do you think I should call Ray and my mom?" I asked him.

Taking my hand in his, he replied, "Whenever you want baby, you can call them right now. Ray might be expecting your call" He said and sent me that lopsided grin of his. I gasped. "You told him!" I exclaimed.

"I had to get his blessings, didn't I? I like doing things in such way." He said and leaned towards me, placing a peck on my lips, "We're here" He said and that's when I realised that we've reached, one look outside had got me even more nervous. The paparazzi was wild already, seeing that the last time we were publicly outside, we had broken up, in front of them. And now as we would step out, we would announce just the opposite. Christian took my hand in his, "Relax Ana, security is tight. Just stand straight and smile. I'll do the rest of it" He said and grinned at me expectantly. Just one look from him and I was better, so I nodded at him with a smile, "Let's go" I said. Christian gracefully stepped out of the car and came over to open my door. The paparazzi was going crazy, but the security was so tight that nobody could reach within 10-feet of us. As soon as I stepped out of the car with the help of Christian, gasps were heard all around. Together as we walked to the centre of the carpet, I could hear their questions.

"Mr. Grey, are you and Anastasia still together?"

"How is it possible?"

"Did you take her back after she cheated?"

Finally we stopped to get our pictures taken and get the big reveal done, Christian squeezed my hand lightly and I looked up at him, "Place your left hand on my chest" He said and when I did so, the paparazzi went crazy with their clicks. Christian hushed them a minute later when we got our photos done. "I would like to say something" He said and everyone turned silent.

"Thanks for your co-operation. Regarding your questions, the break-up was all an act, it was to save my then girlfriend, now fiancée, Ana, from a person named Martin Gomez. Thank you" He said and the paparazzi went crazy again. Paparazzi, check. Now comes the family.

Unknown POV:

"We're reporting live from outside of Orchid Garden, were the gala organised by Mrs. Grace Grey, is taking place tonight. Minutes ago, Mr.Christian Grey walked hand in hand with Ms. Anastasia Steele, soon to be, Mrs. Anastasia Grey. Yes, you heard it right. Mr. Grey himself made the announcement right here a few minutes ago." I threw the remote on the T.V, which made the screen smash a little.

This couldn't happen. She was supposed to be mine. I didn't accompany my father to the gala because I thought I would go to Anastasia and make her mine. I was so fucking happy when I came to know that they have broken up and now, they're getting fucking MARRIED ! I won't let this happen, I have to make her mine, even if it's just for one night. Her skin, when I touched it, I got so turned on. She is so soft and sexy. I will get her. I have to. I have spent nights thinking about her, when I fuck another girl, I scream her name as I finish. I needed her.

I picked up my phone and texted my father, "I'm coming to the gala in an hour"

I will fuck you Ana, and make you forget that he exists. My plan starts now.


Another update! And it's a bit long with a lot of info!

Who do you think this new Unknown character is? I'd love to see you people guess.

Goal: 90 votes and 55 comments on the whole book so far!

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