Chapter 13

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Before I start with the chapter,

Not Alone-2 is on #843 in FanFiction !!!

Yaas!! Now I know that it's not exactly on top of the charts or something, but it is a big deal for me because this is the first time I noticed this. I just want to thank you guys for your support. Just continue supporting by voting and commenting, and I'll continue writing :)

Now going on with the chapter...

Ana's POV:

"This is the best party in the world !!", I exclaimed.

"Woah, who let you drink so much Miss.Steele", I felt arms around my waist and turned around to find none other than..

"My future husband!", I exclaimed and pressed my lips to his.

"Wow", Christian sighed as I pulled away from him, I giggled. But then what happened earlier came to my mind. Guess it was my turn to sigh now.

"What happened with Grace and Elena?", I asked while playing with his tie. Wow, his tie was so silky, I should ask him to tie me up with it. I blushed to myself, not a time to be naughty Ana.

"Mom being mom said that she will put up a restriction order against her. And I gifted her the salon, I guess I owed that much to her as she helped me to start up my business", Christian explained.

"Uh huh, so no more Mrs.Robinson drama?" I asked him, still playing with his tie.

"No more Mrs.Robinson drama", Christian promised. "Now I think that it would be the best if I take you home", he said.

"No no no, I promised Mia that I would help her out with the auction" I said and paused for a second.

"It was some dance auction I guess", I told him. "You signed up for the dance auction?!", Christian asked me, and then added "Do you even know what it is about?", I shook my head negatively and pouted my lips.

"Don't pout, you know that the pouting and the lip biting does what to me", Christian said and trailed his finger from my cheek down to my collarbone.

"Then let's go somewhere and fix that problem, your tie could come in handy", I said and his eyes widened. "Oh my, drunk Ana can think of a few ideas huh?" He smirked at me and held my hand in his. just as he started walking towards the staircase, we heard a voice boom through the speakers.

"Girls who signed up for the first dance auction, please come to the backstage area, we are about to start the auction. And Ana don't you sneak out!", It was Mia on the mic.

I sighed, "I want sex" I said and hugged Christian.

"All in good time baby, right now I have to go win something, come on I'll take you to the backstage", he chuckled and kissed me, a hard long passionate kiss.

"Can I not sign out the auction?", I said and moaned as Christian started sucking on my neck, thank god we were behind the staircase wall so no one could see us. It was a family gala and drunk or not, I didn't want kids to see two horny people making out.

"If Mia hadn't pointed you out, then I wouldn't have let this go. I just want to rip that dress off you", he said.

"I think you should go now, or else we might end up making love right here", Christian said and leaned in to kiss me again.

"Let's go and complete the auction, I would be having sex right now if I didn't sign myself up, stupid Ana", I said to myself as we pulled apart.

"Are you talking to yourself? Actually don't answer that, I want to see drunk Ana deal with the auction", Christian said and led me backstage.

"I love you", he said. "I love you too, future husband", I said and smiled at him.


I told you guys I would update under 24 hours, so here is your update!

Next update: Under 24 hours again.

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Keep smiling :)

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