Chapter 25

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Christian's POV:

"Can I get a glass of wine please?" Elena asked the air hostess.

"No, you won't be getting anything. I did not bring you here as a guest Elena, you are here only because I want to make sure that if you contact Stephen or if he contacts you, I would know about it", I told her sternly and she went quiet.

"Now is there anything else that I should know?" I asked her

"Um, Stephen told her that she is Rose, soon to be Rose Morton and that they were getting married as soon as she was out of the hospitality. But Miss Steele was adamant, she refused to marry him unless she gets some, if not all of her memory back", she said and I sighed in relief. Ana always uses her brain, god I miss that girl.

"Just two more hours Christian!" Mia said in excitement. "Two hours and we will get our Ana back", Elliot said.

"I don't know why I agreed to bring you guys with me to China", I said.

"Because Ana is like our daughter", mom said and then dad continued, "And we want to be there when we get her. That poor girl doesn't even remember her identity Christian, and being around family may help her remember" he finished.

"Not to forget her real father is here too", Ray sighed from the back. "God, I hope my Annie is okay", he said.

I know you people must be confused, that how did Ana's search became a family trip to China.
Well, at first it was only Elena and my mom accompanying me, then Mia said she called Ray and asked him to join too, as Ana was his daughter. After getting to know that mom was also going, Mia and Elliot said they wanted to go too. And my father did not want to be left alone. So here we are now, I sure have a crazy family. But this proved one thing, that they all loved Ana and she was very much a part of this family as anyone else. I didn't know I was so lost in my thoughts when the captain's voice broke me out of it, "We will be landing in China, in exactly an hour", he said and I felt a small smile forming on my face. Finally, after a week, I was going to have Ana with me again.

Ana's POV:

I frantically tried to search the apartment for the keys when I heard one of my neighbours shouting at her kid, "Ana! Ana!" I don't know why but that named seemed familiar, too familiar. Then the girl giggled and blushed at her mother, she was covered in mud and was playing with her mom, I saw from the window.

I love the way you blush Ana. My Ana.

What was that? I swear I heard some guy's voice in my head, as if someone whispered in my ear. I glanced around in the apartment, still empty.

"How can you expect me not to worry, I'm leaving my pregnant fiancée behind for some stupid conference all the way in Taiwan."

"You're saying that as if you're going away for a long time. It's just two days Christian. I'll miss you like crazy but work is important"

"Okay then. Bye, I love you both"

"We love you too"

I grabbed my head as it was throbbing in pain, I could see this conversation taking place. I was standing in an apartment and there was a guy in front of me, I couldn't see his face, only his back was visible to me. I groaned in pain and then shouted for help, the pain was unbearable now.

"Help me please! I don't know what's happening to me", I screamed which got the attention of the mother and daughter playing outside. The mother's eyes widened and she took out her phone, probably calling the ambulance and she rushed towards me.

Three things were very clear to me now:

1. My name is not Rose, it's Ana.

2. My faincè is not Stephen, it's some guy named Christian.

3. I might be pregnant. Because in the flashback I just saw, Christian said 'I love you both', when only I was standing there.


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Goal for next chapter : 700 votes 400 comments on the whole book so far !!

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