Chapter 23

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Double update? Yes !!

Ana's POV:

The weather outside was pretty nice and I really enjoyed my walk to the library. I found a map in one of the drawers because of which I had no problem finding the place. As I walked inside, I noticed an old woman who was sitting at the information desk, I walked up to her and smiled.

"Hello dear, how may I help you?" She asked me with a smile which seemed really genuine and I liked her instantly.

"Hello, I'm Rose, I recently suffered from an accident which caused me to lose my memory, and I think you can help me" I said to her.

"I'm so sorry dear, I will be honoured to help. Do you need help finding a book or something?" She asked and I shook my head negatively.

"No, I-I was hoping that you recognise me. My fiancé told me that I loved coming here and he asked me to marry him here in front of the desk about seven months ago.." I trailed off and looked at her expectantly.

"I'm so sorry dear, but I don't think I know you", she said.

"Are you new here?" Maybe she did not work here while he proposed.

"No, I've been working here for about four years. Trust me if something like that happened, I would remember it. My late husband owned this library and after he passed away, I decided to work here", she said and smiled warmly at me.

"Thanks for your help, I'll check out some books now", I sent her a grateful smile and walked towards the romance section. I was so confused right now. Stephen mentioned this very library when I asked him about how he proposed. Was he lying? But why would he lie. I shook my head. No, he seems to be such a nice person. I heard the library clock ding which interrupted my thoughts, I checked the time to see that it was two already, shit. Stephen must be back for lunch now. He only had a three hour class to teach. I hope he isn't worrying about where I am, because I didn't tell him that I was going out today.

I opened the door to our apartment with my key and entered the living room, I peeked into the kitchen. The apartment was silent. Maybe Stephen isn't home yet. I sighed. But when I entered my room, I saw him sitting the bed,he glared at me. His gaze hard and I felt chills down my spine.

"Where were you?" He asked and walked up to me.

"I just went to the library, I needed fresh air", I said and he suddenly grabbed me by my throat.

"St-Stephen, what ar-" I started to trash around trying to get his hand off me.

"Shh, you listen while I speak" He let my neck go and I slumped down the floor, coughing while holding my neck.

"You never go out of this apartment without my permission. Never !" He shouted at me and locked the bedroom door.

"What are yo-?"

"I said you listen, only I'll speak!" He said and pushed me on the ground.

"I tried being nice to you. All this week I fucking waited but you are such an uptight bitch! But you know what, she was right, a little forcing never hurt anyone", I felt tears pouring out of my eyes. Stephen seemed so nice before, but now..

"Now, I'll show you who's the boss here, and I'm sure this will trigger some memories" he said and I whimpered.

"You prick, you lied to me didn't you?" I scream at him. Now that I think of it, the story he told me didn't seem so believable. The librarian didn't recognise me even when I told about his proposal. The kiss had no sparks and this place didn't feel like home at all.

Shit. Then who the hell am I and who is this Stephen? Was the last thing thing that I could think of before I felt myself losing consciousness.

A/N: Yeah I published two chapters under an hour😎

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Next Chapter Goal : 575 votes and 300 comments. (I deserve it I updated two chapters and one extra so :)  )

Keep smiling :)

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