Chapter 4

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Ana's POV:

I woke up to Christian placing kisses on my neck. He sensed it, "Wake up love"

"Umm five more minutes", I groaned and suddenly what happened last night crossed my mind. I sat up straight.

"Ana, is everything okay?" Christian asked, placing his hand on my shoulder. I shook my head and started sobbing.

One hour later:

"Why the fuck would you do this?! I thought you loved me as much as I love you but I was wrong! You proved me wrong! Just because I was busy with my work you go behind my back and slept with another man! I hate you, you're nothing but a gold digging bitch!" Christian shouted at me and I was sobbing on my knees.

We were currently outside Escala, the paparazzi was surrounding us, but Taylor made sure nobody was able to touch us.

"I I am sorry Christian" I pleaded.

"Your sorry doesn't mean anything to me, you don't mean anything to me anymore. I am breaking up with you, get out of my life" Christian said and stormed towards Escala, leaving me on the road.

The paparazzi was going crazy by this point of time but Taylor made sure no harm came to me. He was like a father figure to me, and he decided to drop me at my apartment.

As soon as I entered my apartment, Kate rushed to me, "Elliot told me everything! Is it true?" She asked me and I nodded my head as an answer.

"I don't know why you did whatever you're doing. I'm going to Elliot's house. We are living together from now on." She sighed.

"Kate! Let me explain, it's not like what you think it is. Please, you cannot leave me too" I pleaded in front of her.

"I'm leaving. Elliot's waiting outside" She said and left our house. Just then my phone started ringing, it was an unknown number.

I picked it up, knowing who it was, "Hello sweetheart", the voice from the other side said.

"I'm not your sweetheart. I have done what you said, now burn those pictures" I said, anger evident in my voice.

"Tsk tsk tsk, its not that easy sweetheart. You don't tell me what to do." He said

"I've done what you said, why are you not doing the part of your deal." I told him.

"Guess what sweetheart, what you told your dear Christian, you have to do it for real."

"Wh-what?" I asked him, already knowing that I wouldn't like the answer.

"Meet me at the bar down your street tonight at 10, and remember sweetheart, I don't like condoms. So be sure to carry your morning pill. Ta-da" He said and hung up.

What was I going to do now?


What do you think happened in that one hour after Ana woke up?

Goal: Total 30 votes and 10 comments in the whole book so far for the next chapter

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