First Impressions

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"Jenners, you're going to be late for school! Get up, turd!" Josh runs and jumped on his step sister's bed making her groan in response. He only smiles to this and lays beside her. "Are you not getting up because you're nervous? I swear I have never seen Ms. Jenna Black not get out of bed before me; this is shocking."

Jenna sits up and looks at her brother. He was right; she has never been in bed with Joshua out of bed. "I guess you can say I'm a little nerve racked considering I transferred during the middle of the school year!"

Jenna's dad and Josh's mom have been together for six years and finally decided to tie the knot on Christmas; which only meant that Jenna and her dad moved five hours away from home to live in Columbus with the Duns'.

Josh looked the time on his watch before getting off Jenna's bed. "You have ten minutes or I'm leaving without you." Josh quickly states as he exited her room. Jenna opened her mouth to object but he was through the door before she could say anything.

Laura laid out Jenna's first day outfit the night before since Jenna was stressed out about going to a new school. She always got Jenna's fashion sense; most likely cause she's taken Jenna shopping for most of her life since she was ten. Girls are better shopping partners than guys!

Jenna slipped on a plain yellow shirt with a jean jacket and skinny jeans. Her secret weapon: yellow converse. She put her hair in a messy bun and quickly made sure her face seemed okay; not mirror cracking quality. "Jenna five minutes!" Josh warns making her rush downstairs for a doughnut.

Ashley was at the kitchen island writing in a notebook before she noticed Jenna with a doughnut, Afterwards slipping it into her bag and tossing Jenna hers. "Don't worry, it won't be that bad." Ashley smiled a warm smile making Jenna nod with hope that she'll be right.

What can go wrong on your first day?


A million things, Jenna reassured herself as she had her schedule in her hand as she walked down the now empty halls of Columbus High. She thought Josh or Ashley were going to show her around but instead they both bailed; leaving her to find her art class by herself.


Jenna double checked her schedule and nodded; this was the right room. She slowly turned the knob and walked in to see everyone looking up at her. If there was any time she didn't feel like crawling up in a hole and hiding, now was definitely the time.

"You must be Jenna Black," The teacher greeted her with a smile that looked forced. Jenna nodded awkwardly and looked around to see barely any empty seats. "Choose any seat you want; we're about to get started."

Jenna noticed a girl with freckles and brown hair patting the seat next to her making Jenna point to herself for confirmation. "Who else would I be talking to? Sit sit!" Jenna hurried over and sat down with her bag beside her as the girl was smiling at her.

Jenna wasn't sure to feel grateful or scared of how outgoing this girl was. "I'm Tatum; I've heard your name was Jenna. That's a pretty name. I've always wanted to meet someone named Jenna." Tatum said Jenna's name as if it was so rare to hear when actually Jenna knew many girls with her name.

The two girls exchanged schedules to find out that they had half of their classes together which relieved Jenna a bit. The teacher tapped her stool loud to catch everyone's attention making the room grow silent.

"It's a new year; a new beginning. I know how cheesy this sounds but you can be brand new. Our new project will be a portrait of someone else in this room. I will assign everyone a partner at the end of this class period and no complaints must not be said, got it?"

"Yes Mrs. Martinez." The class says like robots as they went back to speaking to another. Tatum was now talking to a guy next to her; holding hands. Jenna could only assume they were a couple.

She opened her bag to grab a book to read. Jenna wasn't outgoing, she's the girl who sits in the corner reading books; avoiding human interaction.

Meanwhile, she wasn't going unnoticed.

"Who is that blonde chick over there by Tatum?" Tyler mumbled to his friend Brendon who reeked of marijuana and eyes bigger than the moon but smaller than his forehead. Brendon giggled and put his arm around the curious boy.

"I have no clue but I bet you could get into her pants at this Friday's party." Brendon smirked making Tyler rolled his eyes; beginning to examine the girl further.

She had a tiny figure which would be easy to carry and she didn't seem feisty to Tyler even though he's only seen her once. The only thing missing from his information was her name and now that was his mission to find.

When first period was over, Jenna and Tatum walked to her locker to only get Tyler slamming his body in front of Jenna's locker; blocking her way. Tatum rolled her eyes before mumbling in annoyance. "Tyler."

"Tatum." Tyler had a triumph grin on his face as he kept his eyes on the blonde beside her. Jenna wasn't sure how to interpret this but all she knew was she wanted to not be late to her next class. "What's your name?" Tyler interrupted her thoughts and Jenna begins to reply when Josh walks up to them.

"Why are you bothering my sister, Joseph?" Tyler's eyes widen as he stood up straight at this information. Jenna gave Tatum a bewildered look only to get a grin in response. "Are you going to answer or walk away to go get laid with some other chick?" Josh asked again making Tyler finally storm away from the three of them.

"I want to know him." Jenna watched as the brunette disappeared.


I'm such a cliche.

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