Sparks Fly

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I woke up to find Tyler outside the car with a cigarette in his mouth and automatic disgust came to me. It's not healthy to smoke! I never imagined Tyler would smoke- then again, he is best friends with Brendon Urie.

The løcal drug dealer of the school.

I get out of the car and walk over to him, snatching the cigarette out of his hand. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask with a high pitched voice that I didn't realize I had at the moment. Tyler shrugged at me and took out his box of cigarettes to grab another. I shake my head and slap his hand, the box slipped through his fingers onto the ground.

I found myself stomping on the box.

"Wow, you're very passionate about the anti smoking issues." Tyler looks at me while I stop what I'm doing to look back. My cheeks were red and so were his.

And I knew what he was thinking.

Don't you dare let that boy-

It was too late. Tyler grabbed my waist and pinned me up against the car as we spoke a language with our lips to each other's. Josh was going to be here any minute now; if he comes upon this, Tyler Joseph would be Tyler Donesph.

Stop it Jenna, you're not funny; get back to the story.

We broke the kiss and I could smell the smoke in his breath which made me want to hold my nose forever and brush his teeth. I watched as the familiar car I always see pull up.

It was Josh.

The black haired boy got out of the car and looked at the two of us. "What are we going to do about that car?" Josh questioned Tyler mostly but keeping his eyes on me. I knew he was secretly wanting to know why I'm against a car with Tyler's hands on my waist.

"I didn't think about it really. Brendon won't even miss this car; he'll get another." Tyler explained, shrugging his shoulders. I slowly moved my hands up to Tyler's to push them off but he only held onto me tighter than before.

We all stood in silence before Josh finally speaks.

"Do you want to do something insane?"


"Why do you have all of this in your trunk?" Tyler looks up at Josh as we all hovered over his mess of a trunk. It held report cards, broken drum sticks, and little stuffed animals that our littlest sister Abigail has.

We don't speak much of her since she got taken away from Laura. The court ordered for Ashley and Joshua to stay with her while Jordan and Abigail stayed with their father. I don't see how a human could be so cruel to take children from their mother who cared so much.

We got to see Abigail and Jordan only around holiday seasons. The first time I met her she was five and interested in barbies. I guess I always had a knack for nurturing children.

"I never found a reason to take them out to a dumpster so I just.. built a collection of useless stuff." Josh took the report cards and went to Brendon's trunk of which had weed inside. I was taken by surprise by the amount of weed there was but Josh and Tyler acted as if it was no surprise.

We took trips moving all of Josh's trash to Brendon's car. I still don't understand what Josh has in mind before he gets out a lighter and looks at us. Tyler and I were leaning against Josh's vehicle with exhausted looks on our faces. The sky was slowly turning into orange and red.

Josh picked up the cigarette package that I stomped on earlier and went to get one. I about started to yell at him before he sat the box in the trunk also. He just left one in his fingers and he slowly lit the cigarette and tossed it inside, shutting the trunk quick.

I open my mouth to speak but Tyler shoves me into the backseat before coming in after me. Josh looked at the car once more before getting into his own. So many things were happening at once it seemed, my heart was beating in my chest. The car is going to catch aflame!

Josh started the car and drove off a bit before looking back as we all waited for the car to blow.

"I can't believe you guys." I scold the two and Tyler looks at me, confusion all over his face.

"I didn't do anything."

"It was your cigarette box."

"Well maybe if-" Tyler stopped talking as sparks flew from the back of Brendon's car and before we knew it, fireworks were shooting up. I look at Tyler and he shrugs at the thought of Brendon having fireworks in his trunk.

It's January, why would you have fireworks in your trunk? Then again, Brendon seems like an unique person.

Josh started to drive off as we heard a loud boom behind us. Tyler and I glanced at each other and he sighed suddenly.

"I forgot the Hershey kisses."

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