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"My car won't start!" Josh stormed into the kitchen with a frustrated look on his face, Jenna had to stuff her face with cereal so she wouldn't laugh. Ashley looked up from her notebook at the two before rolling her eyes.

"Just ask mom to take us." She mumbled under her breath just loud enough for Josh to hear. Josh opened his mouth to say something but got interrupted by the phone ringing.

Josh was the first to race towards it while Jenna tripped over a chair in attempt to get to the phone. Both Ashley and Jenna watch Josh's face look confused as he looked at Jenna. "It's for you."

"Who is it?"

"Tyler Joseph?" His voice came out like a question.

Jenna got up and took the phone in her hands and twirled the cord at her fingertips. "How did you get our house number?" She spoke quietly, avoiding Laura and her dad's gaze as they walked into the kitchen.

"The phone book." Tyler's answer sounded like Jenna had asked a stupid question.

"People still use the phone book?"

"Of course, Jenna bean. I'd like to see if you need a ride to school. My mother wants me to make it up to you." Movement could be heard on the other line and Jenna looked at her family before speaking.

"Can it be more than just me?"


  Jenna was in the passenger while Ashley and Josh were in the back. The car was silent and missing a car radio which made the silence defying. "I can't believe we're in Tyler Joseph's car." Ashley finally ends the silence.

"It's not like it's some amazing car." Tyler rolled his eyes as he stopped at a red light to look at Jenna. "You're coming to my party, right?"

"I-I actually haven't asked to go yet." Jenna stuttered quietly and Tyler raised an eyebrow at her. He never asked his parents to go anywhere, especially a party. Josh's ears were awake as he listened to the rest of the conversation, observing the two of them sensing something weird in the air.

"You have to see if you can go? Why not just say yes, Jenna?" Tyler looked at the red light again before looking at the blonde once more.

"I have to see if-"

"Just say yes." Tyler whispered just for the two of them to hear. Jenna looked back at her siblings before at Tyler, who was driving once again? Her fingers were tangled together as a nervous habit.

The rest of the drive was silent once again. Josh looked down to see an empty Taco Bell sack and his heart leapt in his chest. "You like Taco Bell?"

"Like? Taco Bell is my lover." Tyler cracked a grin and looked in his mirror at a quick glance to Josh.

"I love Taco Bell."

"That's sick."


  The day at school went by fast for a Friday. Jenna never looked toward Tyler, nor did he. Tatum kept Jenna as they discussed their project in art and learned more about each other. Josh and Ashley already found rides after school, Jenna going with Ashley and their mother while Josh has plans with a girl.

Once again, she goes to her locker to see the one and only Tyler. "Have you thought about what I said?" He moved to lean on his side onto another locker, keeping his eye on Jenna.

"There's nothing to discuss. I have to ask my parents to go, okay?" Jenna slammed her locker as she got her books. Tyler followed her at a close distance to her next class. "It's not like I'll be the only one you'd talk to. It won't make a big difference."

"It would make a difference to me, Jenna. I promise." He stood in front of her, stopping her in her steps as they locked eyes. Jenna shook her head and Tyler nodded to her.

The bell rang making Jenna start to sprint down the hall, avoiding any more words with Tyler.

Brendon rounded the corner with a lighter. "She seems stubborn."

"She's coming tonight." Tyler glanced at the lighter before taking it out of his hands and flicked the flame on and off as they stood in the hallway.

"Seems like she doesn't want to."

"I'll get her to, Bren. Have I ever failed to get a girl down our pants?" Tyler smirked at Brendon.

He'd do whatever it takes to get Jenna.

Good Girl, Bad Boy {Jyler}Where stories live. Discover now