Strike One

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Crack. Snap. Crash.

Tyler groaned as he rolled off his bed at the sound of his window being hit with rocks. His eyes read the digital alarm clock on his bed.

Three in the morning. Who would be up- he didn't even have to question himself as he knew who'd be awake. Brendon.

He opened his window to his best friend holding rocks. "We gotta go!" Brendon yells as he gets back in his car; Tyler grunted as he hurried to slip on his pants and a shirt.

He'll never understand biology on why he always wakes up with boners.

He goes down the stairs not even bothering to wake anyone. His family knows that he goes out at night sometimes. They've tried to keep him in but ultimately, Tyler didn't listen to half the things his parents said.

Until Jenna.

He didn't notice himself listening to every command relating to Jenna; crazy how a person can change someone, right?

Tyler got in Brendon's car and quickly noticed the axe and spray paint. "What are we doing?" Tyler asked as he watched Brendon drive crazily down the road. He wasn't sure if Brendon was sober but he knew better than to ask.

"We're going to Ryan's."

"At three in the morning?"

"He had sex with Sarah- again."

"Is this supposed to surprise me?" Tyler catches Brendon's death glare at this remark and held up his hands in surrender. He's never liked Sarah anyways.

Brendon frantically pulled into Ryan's driveway, not bothering to turn the car off as he got out with Tyler behind as he hands Tyler the spray paint and he had the axe. "Spray whatever you want on this fuck's car." Brendon hissed as he whacked the axe into Ryan's tires.

This had to be something more than just Sarah; Tyler makes a mental note to ask later as he shook the can of paint in thought. What should he do?

The idea struck him before he could rethink about it. He took the can of spray paint and started to write in the windshield in all caps "R A P I S T". The red stood out against the black vehicle and Tyler shook his head at the thought of him hurting Jenna that way.

Therefore, he threw the can throw the glass as the car alarm went off. Brendon had knocked out all his tires by now and Tyler rushed to the driver's side and Brendon got in the passenger; not bothering to ask why Tyler was driving.

The two were out of there faster than they came. "What was that for?" Tyler asks as he drove back to his house. Brendon took out a cigarette as he looked over at Tyler.

"That, was strike one for Ryan Ross."

The three days to follow would be worse than the last.


I'm back bushes.

Two more updates for the night.

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