Strike Two {Part 1}

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By the time school started, word got around about the vandalism of Ryan's car. There were many theories. One says Ryan's ex girlfriend got pregnant and he abandoned her! Another says that the only Sarah got jealous of him with other girls so she took it out on his car since she knew about Jenna. They never reached the truth though.

Tyler was leaning onto his locker door; exhausted from the early morning adventure he had with Brendon. The one and only blonde came running to his side and made him jump as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry about last night. It wasn't a good night and I'll fill you in on Josh and Ashley's dad at the lunch date we're having today, remember?" Jenna spoke into Tyler's shoulder, making him wake up more as he nodded and shut his locker.

"I don't think I can make it through the morning I'm so tired." Tyler mumbles as he looks at the blonde and she automatically goes into concern at the other. Her hand went to his face as she examined him further.

"Are you feeling okay?" Her voice dropped with concern as she kissed his cheek. Tyler only yawned and nodded slowly. "You can go sleep in Josh's room at my house. No one is home during the day anyways." Jenna is fetching out her house key before Tyler could say no.

The small fragile hand with the key goes into Tyler's warm and rough hands as she nuzzled his cheek. "I would much rather have you getting your rest instead of dragging yourself out of torture. We can talk about everything later, okay?" Jenna rushed Tyler to the doors of the school and Tyler smiled.

"I don't deserve you." He whispered as they leaned into each other and Jenna only smiled.

"I know."


"Did you hear what happened to Ryan's car?" Tatum whispered to Jenna as they worked on their art project together. Jenna looked up at the other; completely clueless. Tatum set down her paintbrush dramatically as she started telling Jenna all the gossip she knew about Ryan's car.

And slowly, the pieces were coming together in Jenna's mind. This was why Tyler was tired and she knew it.

After the bell rang, Jenna rushed up to Brendon and grabbed his arm. "We need to talk." Jenna's voice was stern and Brendon was high and looking at Jenna like she just told him she was gonna strip for him.

She dragged him to an empty classroom and shut the door to lock it. "Did you do the thing to Ryan's car with Tyler?" Jenna folded her arms as she looked at Brendon. Brendon laughs as he nodded; completely oblivious to the girl's frustration.

"It was great, Jen! I've never seen Tyler so mad in ages! He threw that can like it was actually Ryan and god, it was awesome!" Brendon was full on laughing at this point and Jenna realized it was pointless to interrogate a high person.

She knew she'd have her time with Tyler when lunch comes.


  "I can't believe you!" Jenna screams as she stormed into Josh's room to see Tyler staring at the ceiling. He jumped and sat up with confusion as she climbed onto the bed and pushed him down on his back as she sat on him. Their eyes were locked as she folded her arms and waited for him to say something.

"Um, what did I do?" Tyler talked quietly making Jenna hit his arm as she spoke to him after. "You vandalized Ryan Ross's car! You don't do that!" Jenna screams once more and Tyler sits up to wrap his arms around the blonde as he sighed.

"I'm sorry, okay? Brendon came over drunk and we went and done that. I'm sorry I didn't tell you first." He moved her hair out of her face as he went to kiss her face; Jenna was staring at the ceiling, trying to stay mad.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me." She finally says as she moved off of him and goes out the door; not saying a word.


   "Why did you call the whole girl population of our school into one classroom?" Sarah annoyingly asks as she messed with her hair as Jenna paced in front of a classroom.

Finally, she takes a marker and start drawing a graph. "Who ever has ever been involved with Ryan Ross sexually?" Her voice rings out as over half of the class raised their hands.

Jenna bit her lip at the sight and shook her head. "How many were forced?"

Not very many hands went down at this question.

Jenna held up her marker and sighed. "It is time for us, ladies, to stand up to guys and show that we aren't an object to use! It is time for Ryan Ross to get a taste of his own medicine. Who's with me?"

The classroom was silent. A girl named Linda raised her hand, shaking as she pushed her glasses up her nose. "I don't think we can ever do that, Jenna. Ryan knows secrets about all of us and he could fire back on us."

"Fire back? Who can fire back when they've been exposed for all the deeds they've done? If we stand as one, he can't take us down." Jenna says encouragingly as Sarah tapped her nails against a desk.

"Are you forgetting that I'm here? Obviously Ryan is going to find out from someone." Sarah mumbles as Jenna walks over and puts her face to Sarah's.

"Do you really want Brendon?" Jenna whispers as she kept her eyes locked with the other's; Sarah gulped at the intensity.

"I do want him. It's always been him. I just- Ryan threatens me." Sarah spits out without thinking as she breaks under pressure.

"Then don't you want to call him out?" Jenna asks as she put her hands to Sarah's. "I know I should hate your guts but Brendon is Tyler's best friend and if you really want him, we need to work together. I promise it'll be worth it."

The class was silent as they kept their eyes on Sarah as she thought for a second. Finally, Sarah sighed as she leaned back in her chair with a devilish smirk. "What do you have in mind?"

At this, Jenna only grinned.

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