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Five hours earlier

Tyler paced back and forth as he debated on going into a music store. What if anyone saw him inside that he knew? He wanted to keep his music a secret. Not even Jenna knew that he wanted to sing and play in a band.

This felt like the start of something he can't back out of once he starts.

The ukulele in the store window looked so tempting, though.

(A/N the app is going crazy on me and won't stop italics so.. I'm going to keep writing because you deserve an update.)

He needed another opinion.


"Where are we going?" Josh and Tyler walked together down the sidewalk. He could tell he was surprised that he contacted him.

Jenna saw him leave with Josh and didn't try coming along which only made Tyler feel like she's caring less for him.

"It's top secret. Promise me you can keep secrets?" Tyler grins at Josh and he nods with a smile.

They rounded the corner to the music store that Tyler always wanted to go inside but never did.

He stood in the doorway and Josh's eyes were lit up and his face was glowing. "Is this the secret?"

Tyler ignored Josh's question as they walked inside. Both of their hearts were beating fast out of excitement for the musical instruments on display.

Josh felt himself looking at drumsticks even though he has a drum set. Jenna was ten he got his first drum set so she made him drum sticks. They were bought at Walmart and she wrote her name on them then "I love you, Josh".

He knew she'd be his sister.

The ukulele on display was taken off into Tyler's hands as he strummed quietly. "But I can't help falling in love with you." He sang quietly before looking up to see a little girl watching him.

She had blue eyes and blonde hair, just like Jenna. His heart ached at the thought of the Jenna. "You sing like an angel. Are you an angel?" The little girl admired Tyler, a smile growing on his face.

He bent down to her height and looked at her. He could tell she had a hint of Down syndrome and he smiled. "What's your name?" Tyler faintly whispered and the girl's smile grew at the question.

"I'm Ruby." She suddenly wrapped her arms around Tyler in a hug which took him by surprise as he hugged back, just as tight.

"You're an angel." Tyler compliments the girl as he looks at her. "Do you think I should create a band?"

The girl tilted her head to the side as if she was thinking for a second before nodding. "I think you'd create the best ukulele band."

This made Tyler laugh.

Ruby's mother came up beside her and took her hand, guiding her away from Tyler. He could overhear a conversation over her room being painted pink.

Ruby red.

Tyler looked at Josh before he paid for his ukulele.

After the trip to the music store, Tyler and Josh got inside his car and drove to his house.

His car radio is still gone.

"What are we going to do?" Josh asked as they looked at each other.

Honestly, Tyler just knew he needed a drum player and Josh was the guy for the job. He also had a piano and multiple songs written out.

But what bands survives after high school? Josh is a senior and Tyler's a junior. Was this hopeless?

As he thought about this, he also remembered his mother telling him to never lose hope. Tyler was blessed by his mother and didn't know how she put up with him.

Especially since the one morning he nearly burnt the house down by making pancakes. They ended up being ash-cakes.

The two happy boys got to his house and Tyler took Josh to the basement. Josh was curious of why the basement but when he saw all Tyler's musical work, his mind was blown.

He scanned over the piano with papers and papers of scribbled lyrics. "You want to do this as much as I do." He smiled as he knew that what he wished for was coming true.

Josh found his soul band mate.

He looked around to find a paper with Jenna's name on it. "So come around and prove me wrong." Josh read the paper and looked at Tyler in confusion.

He sat on his piano bench and put his fingertips on the keys. "I wrote that song when I first had a crush on her. She hated me at the moment but I still knew she was important to keep." 

"Why haven't you talked?" Josh sat beside him on the piano bench as Tyler softly freestyle his fingers.

"I was a jerk to her the other day. More than usual. I think I scared her and now? I don't think we'll be the same." Tyler bit his lip.

"You're Jenna and Tyler." Josh simply states as Tyler looks at him.

"What does that mean?"

"Just trust me."

Jenna and Tyler.

Good Girl, Bad Boy {Jyler}Where stories live. Discover now