Pulled Over.

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"Tyler, where are we?" Jenna looked around their surroundings, confused as it didn't look like Ohio anymore. Sure, she was new to Columbus but she knew her own state.

It was a Saturday night and Tyler was driving out of their dark hometown with just the street lights and car lights to show the way. Jenna was fully awake since Tyler did a dance marathon in front of the vehicle. She still felt uncomfortable but she wasn't going to tell Tyler.

"I know we aren't in Columbus." Was all Tyler could think of saying as he drove. His parents wouldn't care if he would be home or not. Maybe that's why it made Tyler the way he was: he didn't think anyone would realize he would be gone if he left.

Everyone cared where Jenna would be though. Who wouldn't be curious of the blonde? She always told her parents where she'd be unless it wasn't something she would have planned. The party rushed off her shoulders as she turned her attention to the window.

She trusted Tyler. Where ever they end up, she had Tyler to watch out for her. Jenna also felt confident in herself that she could take down anyone if she had to. Jenna just wanted to not be touched.

Tyler was going over the speed limit and wasn't realizing and Jenna meanwhile was stuck in her own world. The radio was playing 90s on 9 and the two never felt more at peace than with each other.

Until police sirens sounded.

Jenna never jumped so fast out of her seat to hit her head on the ceiling, Tyler's face was red out of embarrassment as he slowed the car to the side of the road and together they waited for the police officer to approach.

(I randomly changed POVs without thinking about it. So here's Jenna's point of view. ❤️)
"License and registration." We hear a female voice and I suddenly got chills.

Mom? It can't be.

She approached the car and Tyler's eyes widen as he looked between me and the lady that looked like my mom. "Do you know each other?" Tyler asks quietly, gesturing towards me.

Her blue eyes skimmed over me and I knew my own mother isn't going to recognize me. I sunk lower in my seat as she took Tyler's information and went to check up on it. "Are you okay?" Tyler asks, looking at me with reassuring eyes.

When am I ever okay? I stay silent and hoped he got that message.

Brendon's car smelled of weed and things that shouldn't happen in here. I was for certain that now I smell just like the car.

My mother- does she deserve to be called my mom? Debbie came back and handed Tyler his information and before she could leave I blurted out something I shouldn't have.

"Do you have any kids?" My voice cracked on the word 'kids'. I watch as she shook her head before walking away.

And this was when I began to cry.

I feel bad for Tyler. It seems like he never leaves me alone but it also seems like every time he's with me something happens.

"Do you want to go home?" Tyler looks at me and I slowly nod.

We didn't make it very far though.

Good Girl, Bad Boy {Jyler}Where stories live. Discover now