Final Countdown

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After the pep rally, tonight was the homecoming for the basketball team.

Which means homecoming dance.

Jenna didn't get asked by Tyler but she had a dress planned out anyways. Ever since she met Tyler, she's been going to more social events than she has in her whole life. I mean, she got on the cheerleading squad just to prove a point.

"Jenna, Tatum's here!" Laura announced as Jenna put on her makeup. Something was on her mind but she didn't want to focus on her thoughts; not tonight. Sarah gave Jenna a pass on tonight's game as she didn't know all the cheers yet so she could stay home and get ready.

Tatum walked into Jenna's room and gasped at the sight of the blonde. "You look so beautiful!" She cheered as she huddled Jenna with giggles erupting from the both of them. Jenna took Tatum's arms as she observed her.

"And you say I looked beautiful? Zack will be drooling at the sight of you." The girls exchanged smiles as Jenna put her heels on before they met Josh and Debby in the hallway.

Her baby bump showed slightly which made Jenna slightly happy at the thoughts of being an aunt. Josh has barely mentioned a word to Jenna since the pep rally and she wasn't sure what to think of this. Was he mad? "What's the travel plans?" Debby asks as she smiled at Josh and he looks at Jenna as if she knew.

"I don't have any idea. I thought you did." Jenna confesses as the four exchanged looks before hearing a car honk in front of the house. Tatum let go of Jenna's hand before looking out the window and gasping.

"Someone ordered a limo." Tatum whispered, exaggerating the word 'limo'. They all rushed out the door before Laura could interrogate with pictures; Jenna holding Tatum's hand tightly as they sprinted across the driveway with Josh and Debby.

The window rolled down on the limo to show a Brendon Urie wearing sunglasses and a smirk. "I got requested to pick up Jenna Dun but I don't see her?" He looks directly at Jenna and suddenly she realizes that he knows her last name isn't Dun (finally).

Jenna and Brendon argued about who was Jenna for a few seconds before letting the group get in the limo. Jenna could sense the alcohol and goosebumps ran up her skin. She was never going to take a red cup ever again; no matter who it was from.

And she had Ryan to blame for that.

Jenna stared out the window as the others laughed and chatted. Her and Tyler haven't talked and she isn't sure wether they're on good terms or bad.

"Jenna, are you okay?" A hand went on Jenna's shoulder and she jumped to look at Josh with a concerned face. Jenna slightly nodded with a smile.

The limo pulled up in front of the school to see Tyler waiting with flowers. Jenna hurried to be the first one out of the limo, tripping over her own two feet in the process of going to Tyler.

She got up to him with a smile and he looked pained. "Um, what do you need?" Tyler asks quietly, keeping the flowers to himself. Jenna looked around confused before back to him.

"I thought we were going together; aren't those flowers for me?" Jenna asks, suddenly feeling like an idiot for thinking this. Tyler's cheeks redden as he looked down.

This hurts.

It shouldn't hurt.

But it does.

Jenna and Tyler weren't official anyways so why should she care?

The others all got out of the limo to go inside, leaving Tyler and Jenna standing in silence on the sidewalk. "I thought you didn't like dances." Tyler says finally breaking the silence.

"So you ask someone else? That makes me feel so much better. Who is she?" Jenna asked, frustratedly moving closer to Tyler.

"The flowers are for myself." The confession comes out quietly and Jenna had to look at him for a second. He bought flowers...

For himself.

The next second, Jenna starts laughing and hits Tyler's shoulder. "Don't make me think there's another girl."

"Only you." Tyler whispered as they smiled at each other. They glanced in the direction of the school before Tyler started walking away from it; Jenna was confused but she followed him anyways.

"Where are you going?" Jenna whispers then Tyler stops and turns to her to only grab her face and kiss her, tossing the flowers down on the street they were standing on.

When they pulled away, Jenna observed Tyler and opened her mouth to say something but closed it. "You're not just a girl I like, Jenna. You're not just a love in high school. Jenna, I have this crazy feeling about you. You're going to be mine forever, okay? When we get out of school and move on with our futures, you'll still be in mine. You're not just going to be my girlfriend; you're going to be my future dime piece wife," Tyler shouts as he throws his hands up for exaggeration. "I know that sounds crazy but it's true, I just know it, Jenna bean. What I'm trying to say is: will you be my girlfriend even though we're pretty much together?" A grin cracked on his lips as he looked at her.


Tyler pushes Jenna out of the way of a speeding car coming down their lane. Jenna slides down onto the side of the curb to let out a scream as the car hits Tyler's side then letting him hit the roof of the car before collapsing back on the ground.

Jenna started shaking her head and crawling over to a now bloody face Tyler and screaming. "No! No! No! Tyler, wake up please! Can you hear me? Wake up!" Jenna shook Tyler as he was unconscious and crying.

Tatum and Zack walked out of the school to see the pair on the ground before sprinting over to them. "We need to call 911; Tatum call." Zack tosses his phone to Tatum as she dialed the phone while he looked at his brother.

The corner of Jenna's eyes started fading and she could feel something suddenly running down her leg as she blacked out; Zack catching her before she hit the ground.

"Zack, Jenna's bleeding!" Tatum says as she notices blood running down her leg and she looked at Tyler.

His face was scratched up and his nose was bleeding. Tyler's hands had glass in them and his shirt got tore at the ends. Who would do a hit and run on Tyler and Jenna?

"Why is Jenna bleeding?" Zack looks at Tatum as if she knows the answer but she shrugs. The ambulance sirens started blaring and they looked to the bright lights as the crew got out and grabbed Tyler before taking Jenna too.

"Who's all going?" The EMT asks the duo and they looked at each other before Josh runs out to look at them.

"That girl is my sister, I'm going!" Josh shouts as he hops on before Zack says he'll meet up with Tatum at the hospital as he joined in the vehicle.

"Sir, I think this man has internal bleeding." One nurse was saying to the other as they were examining Tyler.

Jenna's legs were all bloody along with her dress and tear stained cheeks as she got placed on Josh's lap because he didn't want anyone else to be holding his sister.

What ever happened to this perfect night?

Who is on the run and go?

Will Tyler be okay?


I'm so so so so sorry for never updating. It's been crazy and I promise I'll try harder to be updating this.

Thank you for reading so far.


Love always


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