Big News

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"You can't just quit basketball! Tyler Robert Joseph, what has gotten into you?" Jenna sighed as she fiddled with her hands nervously. Tyler told her to stay in his room as he was needed to talk with his parents.

The thought of yelling and arguing made Jenna anxious. This was only the first day of Tyler being home from the hospital and there's already trouble to handle.

Tyler's little sister Madison peeked in the room, picking at her nails. "Why are mom and dad yelling at Ty? Did he steal again?" Her little worried voice ran out and Jenna held out her arms for Maddie to cuddle into her.

  Maddie was on her last year of middle school but could pass as being Jenna's age.

"Tyler just has some things to talk about with them. It's okay, don't worry." Jenna brushed Maddie's hair with her hand as she held the little girl tightly.

Soon, Jay came in with a basketball and laid beside the two girls, listening as the argument went on. The three of them went deadly quiet when Tyler stormed into his room; Maddie squeezed onto Jenna tightly and Jay's brown eyes went wide.

"Why are you guys in here?" Tyler's voice sounded angry and chills went up Jenna's spine. The only time she's seen Tyler even remotely angry was when they first met.

"W-we couldn't listen to you guys anymore alone so we went and found Jenna." Jay talked nervously and quietly as if he was walking on thin glass. Maddie and Jenna gave glances to each other before Tyler sighed and opened his door.

"Get out." Was all Tyler said before both his siblings leaped up and went out of his room. Jenna sat up straighter as they left and fixed her eyes on Tyler as he sat on the edge of his bed. Her feet were under the covers as she bit her lip deciding if she should say something. 

The thing is she can't find anything to say so they sat in a deadly silence. Tyler glanced at her and he wasn't the normal Tyler she knew and loved. This was the Tyler everyone warned her about and she thought they were kidding..

they weren't.

"When did you get here?" Tyler asked quietly as he moved to rest beside her on the bed while she felt like she was walking on thin glass, trying not to say anything wrong. Should she just leave? No, she wants to know every side of him and if this was a part of Tyler then she will stay by his side.

"Jay let me in when you were talking to your parents. Is everything okay?" Jenna placed a hand on top of Tyler's as they looked at each other. Tyler licked his lips before closing the space between two to stall the question. 

His hands went up Jenna's back under her shirt but Jenna slapped his hand as she pulled away to look at him. "Tyler, I know we haven't discussed anything about going past my layer of clothing but I assumed you knew how I felt." Her voice came out as a whisper as Tyler held her close. 

Tyler closed his eyes and sighed, shaking his head. "I am so sorry, Jenna. It's just with everything that has happened between us, I thought it was okay for you to let me touch your skin. I mean, I have already seen what is down there." 

Jenna's cheeks reddened as she moved away from Tyler and off the bed, reaching for her bag. Her wrists were still bandaged with pink and she didn't like the thought of going back to school after what happened. 

"You don't have to leave." Tyler took a stand in front of his door as Jenna started to walk out. He can't just make Jenna stay, can he? Her eyes widened as she shook her head and tried to go past him but he gripped on her wrists, making a sting go through and she whimpered. 

"I don't want to be here anymore, Tyler." Jenna's voice cracked as she got past Tyler and left before he could say anything else. 

The spring flower is welting.

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