Tyler's Dancing

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Waiting for someone to answer the door seemed like eternity. Josh told me Jenna hasn't left her bed all day and I finally have given up on trying not to come over. I think she'll be relieved that I used the front door. The door swung open to a man that I assumed to be Jenna's dad. "Hello sir, may I see Jenna?" I ask politely, seeing Ashley behind him with a smirk as if she could tell something.


"You must be Tyler." Was all he said before he left the door open for me to come inside. I right away sprint the staircase to see Jenna.

It's always strange when you're even around Jenna Black. She has this aura around her that just attracts you to her. I guess that's why I couldn't keep my eyes off of her in art class the first day she arrived. She didn't deserve any of the bad things that have ever happened to her; especially when it's my fault.

I could tell which room was hers by the door that was covered in flower stickers and a large sun sticker in the middle with her name written in cursive. I got nervous a bit as I knocked on the door. "I'm not hungry." I heard Jenna groan from inside and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

A second later the door swung open and Jenna pulled me into her room and shut the door. Confusion was evident on her face as she looked at me. "Are you going to never leave me alone?" She moved to go back to bed but I grabbed her wrist without thinking, making her wince.

"I'm sorry, I just want to take you out to get out of this room." I simply say with a soft smile at her. Her eyes scanned me before grabbing a coat over her pajamas. "Are you going to get dressed?"

"I am dressed in my pajamas." Jenna shrugs as she opens the door and I follow her out to Brendon's vehicle. We still haven't traded our cars back but I'd rather drive a car with a radio. She went to open the passenger door when she stopped to look at me.

"You drove this last night." She raises an eyebrow at me as I nod. We both get in the vehicle and she right away turns the radio on as we go. Her feet rested on the dashboard as I drove.

Where was I driving? To be honest, I have no idea. I just know getting Jenna would beneficial.

I found myself driving out of town and parked in the middle of a dirt road as Jenna fell asleep. You would think a girl staying in bed would actually get some rest but apparently not. I poked her cheek as she started to drool. "Jenna bean, wake up beautiful."

I look at Brendon's radio and then back at the girl. I started to turn it up, watching Jenna groan and wrinkle her nose in confusion as she opened her eyes. "What is this?" She yawns as she stretched out in her seat.

To be honest, I had no idea what song was on. I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car. Jenna watched me as I started to dance in front of the vehicle. I watched as Jenna put her hand to her mouth to keep from laughing.

I saw the twinkle in her eyes that I missed.

And this was the start of our weekend adventure.

This chapter.

I promise the next one will be more exciting and cute.
P.S I had a dream about Tyler and Jenna and it was so weird.

Love you guys.

Also added a video of Tyler dancing because his dancing is the best.

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