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Her wrists were bandaged up as Jenna's body laid in the hospital bed; looking lifeless. "How long has it been without Tyler?" Josh whispers quietly to his mother as they sat by Jenna's bed. Laura sighed before shaking her head.

"A week."

They both went silent as they watched Jenna sleep. The hospital now had Jenna overnight on suicidal watch to make sure she wouldn't do anything else. Everyone knew though that nothing is stopping her except Tyler.

The letter Tyler wrote Jenna was in Josh's pocket and he managed to not open it until Jenna reads it. Josh knew Debby would be the same way if something ever happened to him- which he wouldn't want to imagine.

Jenna winces as she opened her eyes and slowly looked over at Josh. "This isn't heaven." She sleepily mumbled as Josh moved over to sit on her bed and put his arm around her.

"You aren't going anytime soon. I got to show you something, though. Can I trust you with not hurting yourself in a wheelchair?" He asks as she nodded, confused.

Laura read Josh's mind as she moved a wheelchair by Jenna's bed and got the blonde in the chair before Josh pushed her down the hall to Tyler's hospital room. He doesn't remember her hand being on him but as they went in the room, her grip on his wrist tightened.

Tyler laid still with the heart monitor beeping every beat like his own song. Jenna rolled herself over to his side and took his hand in hers as tears rolled down her cheeks. "This is all my fault."

"Jenna, it's-"

"Shut up, Joshua." Jenna snapped as she laid her head on his hand with a small headache from her fainting in the bathtub.

No one wanted to mention the reaction of finding her, Josh could barely look at her as he took care of her when he saw her in the tub. Her blood was on his hands literally and he couldn't stand the thought of blood in the first place before this incident so you can't imagine the anxiety.

The trio all was silent; Jenna kept her hand on Tyler's before kissing his cheek. The heart monitor suddenly goes to a complete line and this was the moment Jenna came to remember as the moment between life and death. 

Doctors came rushing in but the room was silent to Jenna as she let herself fall into the hole of depressing thoughts as Josh pulled her away from the love of her life.

Josh closed his eyes as he listened to the doctor attempts of making Tyler's heart beat again.



Today was my first day of my junior year of high school!! When are you starting school or have you started already? I hope you all are doing okay.

If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here.

Thank you so much for reading. |-/

Love always,


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