Without You

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Trigger warning for self harm use. Stay safe. I'll put stars (*) where it starts and where it ends. I love you all.

Josh was the first one who heard the screaming. The scream was a shrill and terror filled like the ones in horror movies which brought bumps to Josh's arm as he had coffee in his hand in the concussion room.

He looked around to everyone listening it to with interest. "It's Jenna." His mom simply says before he drops his coffee onto the tile as he sprints out the room.

Josh's heart could be heard in his ears as he passed Tyler's room, not wanting to look in that room.

Even though Josh never talked to Tyler before Jenna arrived, he felt a close connection with the guy. Every time Tyler and Josh passed each other in the hallway, they exchanged smiles and Josh admired Tyler for taking Jenna in when she had no friends except Tatum.

Jenna's screaming turned into cries of pain as Josh arrived in her room; her body curled up in a ball as she seemed to be crying and screaming in her sleep, shivering like it was coldest winter day. Josh goes to her side as she screams into her pillow. "Tyler!" Her voice exclaimed as Josh slowly sat on her bed, not wanting to scare her awake.

"Jenna, it's okay; wake up please." Josh says soothing as he poked Jenna like a little kid poking something they've never touched before. Jenna turned frantically onto the other side of her bed as Josh put his hand on her shoulder.

"He can't be dead!" Jenna screams again as she shook her head, fully developed in her sleep terror and a thought occurred to Josh.

Jenna used to have night terrors and whenever she was hard to wake up, it always helped to hum songs in her ear. Something about humming to Jenna always helped calm her down.

Once when Tyler stayed over late, Josh walked past Jenna's room to see him humming to her, brushing her hair softly with his fingers and was looking at her like she was the most beautiful person to exist.


Josh moved his hand softly through Jenna's blonde hair as he started to hum the tune of "Drops Of Jupiter" by Train. "Now she's back in the atmosphere with drops of Jupiter in her hair." Josh sang quietly as Jenna seemed to get quiet and shake less. Slowly, Josh pulled Jenna close as he continued to brush her hair with his hand as he kept humming.

The girl got fully quiet after a few more minutes of humming from Josh and Jenna slowly opened her eyes to look at Josh. Her cheeks were flushed with tear stains and everything in her eyes said that she wanted good news.

She needed good news. "Where's Tyler?" Her voice cracks as she looks at him hoping for a good resulted answer only to get Josh looking away from her as he bit his lip to hide back tears in his eyes. "Josh.." Jenna says quietly as Josh held her close as they sat in silence.

"They don't think he'll wake up, Jen." Josh says quietly as she held his hand tight. Tyler's head had bleeding and little to say after his procedure, the doctors are hoping that the little percent Tyler has to wake up he'll use.

Jenna started to cry in his shirt as he held his breath. Josh couldn't look at his little sister crying and he certainly couldn't imagine a life without Tyler Joseph.

A life without Tyler Joseph is a life Jenna doesn't want. A life without Tyler Joseph would be empty to her world. Who would throw rocks at her window? Who would wait by her locker with a smile? Who would protect the girl from the darkness from the rest of the world.

"They say that they found a letter for you from Tyler." Josh finishes his sentence as Jenna looks at him with a curious look. This was the news she needed to hear. Any words from Tyler would help her; words or voice.

And this was true. Josh kept the letter Tyler told him to keep for her in case he ever had to go somewhere. He constantly was the admirer of Jenna Black; sunshine or rainy days. The letter sat in his nightstand with lovely handwriting of her name.

"I gotta go home and get it, okay?" Josh started to move away only to be cling to like a little kid to their parents. "I want to go with you." Jenna's voice came out soft and Josh shook his head. Jenna was being kept for her emotional stability from the miscarriage and the bad turn Tyler's luck took him to.

"I promise to be back." Josh got Jenna to let go of him after a few moments as he went to the door; the blonde watched as he left with tears in her eyes.

She felt empty.

For the first time in her life, Jenna Black didn't see a rainbow at any corner of her life. She saw darkness.

With darkness comes demons knocking at her brain to get inside. Tyler always told her to keep herself from letting herself drown in deep waters of her mind and right now there wasn't a raft for her to save herself.

******************A scalpel sat in the corner of the hospital room with many other gadgets surgeons use. Jenna slowly stood up and went to close her door. She peeked out in the hall before shutting it quietly and grabbed the scalpel. Her feet were in cozy soft hospital socks as she went in the bathroom and started bath water.

She held the scalpel in her hand as she examined her arms, not believing the place she's in at this moment. Jenna took a breath before softly digging the tip of the scalpel into her arm, blood oozing down her arm from the small cut she started on her arm afterwards.

It was Ruby red.*******

The water filling up the bathtub was turning red as Jenna felt the light headedness heading towards her in waves.

"I'm sorry Tyler." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she collapsed into the bathtub.

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