Don't Trust Random Strangers

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It took Tyler more than thirty minutes to convince Jenna to jump down from her roof balcony into his arms. She didn't want to get her dress dirty from the tree so Tyler thought the only way was for her to jump. She couldn't believe Tyler when he said that he was a basketball player.

The car radio was playing a song on repeat and Jenna turned it down in annoyance. "Where's this party again?" She says as she watched Tyler drive. His eyes were so focused on the road, she could tell his brain was in space. "Tyler, I saw you had a boner."

This got his attention.

Tyler braked too quickly at the stop sign making Jenna fly back into her seat. "I did not have a boner." Tyler's cheeks were turning red by this point. How did she notice? He could've sworn she never looked down there.

"Yes totally and you weren't staring down my shirt." Jenna had a grin forming from Tyler growing frustrated at her. He continued driving, ignoring her comment.

Jenna had him speechless.


Tyler pulled into a street that had around twenty vehicles crowded onto a small street. Suddenly, Jenna's feelings of anxiousness were rising. She spotted some girls walking in just in jeans and a tank top and some just in simple dresses.

Her cheeks reddened and she looked down as Tyler parked the car. "What's wrong?" Tyler looked over at her curious. Jenna bit her lip and shook her head quickly, opening her door and got out before Tyler could say anything.

Tyler followed behind Jenna as she followed the noise of a loud stereo playing some type of rap. Tyler scowled when he heard the music and grabbed Jenna as he lead her to the backyard. Brendon was getting high in the corner of his backyard as they approached. "Why the hell is Drake playing?" Tyler yelled over the music, making Brendon laugh before he started to eye Jenna up and down.

"You do not disappoint, do you Dun?" Brendon smirked at Jenna, making her roll her eyes to look at Tyler.

"I guess disappointment isn't giving someone a boner, don't you think Tyler?" Jenna whispered close to Tyler's ear, making him shake his head and grab her hand once more.

They walked into Brendon's house which Jenna found was smaller than the average movie houses for school parties. People were crowded onto the couches with red cups, some were grinding each other to the music, and there was a girl in the corner who was simply drinking her cup while reading.

Tyler smiled and pulled Jenna to her. "Jenna, this is Sarah."

The girl looked up at the two and immediately grinned at Jenna, her blue eyes sparkling. "Dumping her off with me already, Joseph? You must be the famous blonde who made an impression on my man with your... body." Sarah bit her lip as she looked down Jenna once more.

Jenna silently prayed that this wasn't what all the people here did.

"Stay here Jenna, okay? I'm going to get you a drink and some cake-"

"They have cake?" Jenna was fully paying attention with Tyler when she heard the mention of cake. Tyler chuckled and nodded before leaving the two. Sarah patted the spot on the couch for Jenna to sit before noticing how hesitant Jenna was.

"Hey Ryan!" Sarah calls out to a brown haired guy holding multiple red drinks in his hand, presumed to be Ryan. He smirked at Sarah then at Jenna. "She wants the special." She winked at him before he nodded.

Ryan stumbled over and sat the cups down on the table, afterwards looking at Jenna. "Where did Tyler go?" Ryan looked around, looking for the brunette. Jenna looked around to see he was no where near the drinks. Where did he go? Ryan looked back at Jenna with a smile.

He picked up a cup and held out the drink. "Drink it up, Blondie."

"I'm sorry, I've never drank before." Jenna stuttered a bit as she shook her head making Ryan and Sarah glance at each other then laugh. Jenna was feeling more confused by the second and her mind was secretly panicking about where Tyler could be.

"Honey, this drink isn't alcoholic! Trust me, this is perfect for you." Sarah continued to persuade Jenna, moving Ryan closer. Jenna bit her lip and looked down the cup.

It's only one drink, right? Tyler will be back before she knows it.

Jenna took the cup into her hand and Sarah stood up with hers. "We should chug! To celebrate our new friendship, right Ryan?" The two shared a smirk as they looked at Jenna.

"I mean, if it's safe." Jenna talked quieter with every second, hoping drake would drown her out. The two looking at her nodded and tipped their cups down their mouths, chugging their drinks quickly. Jenna took a gulp as she looked down her drink.

Her parents were so going to kill her.

Jenna poured the drink into her mouth quickly, scrunching up her nose afterwards at the bittersweet taste. This was such a weird flavor in her throat as she looked at Ryan and Sarah. Sarah put her arm through Jenna's. "Come on, I think I know where Tyler is."

Sarah tugged Jenna through the house, little by little Jenna was slowly becoming lightheaded. She hummed as she came down the hall with Jenna, finding it harder to walk. "He's probably in this room." Sarah opened a door to show a nice bedroom.

Jenna's ears were ringing.

"He's-Tyler isn't... here." Jenna tumbled to the floor from the loss of feeling in her legs. Sarah looked down at the clearly drugged up girl.

Ryan came down the hall to kiss Sarah. "Did it work?" He whispered, grinning at the girl. Sarah motioned over Jenna, who was now breathing heavily with blurry vision. The two looked like smudges in her eyes.

"This is Tyler's payback. It's obvious that he cares about this worthless slut, it's time to take back what he took from me." Sarah pecked Ryan's lips before leaving the two alone in the bedroom.

Ryan shut the door and locked it. Jenna started to shake her head and tears were coming to her eyes. "Where's Tyler?" Her voice came out as a small whine.

Ryan forcefully grabbed Jenna and threw her onto the bed, unbuckling his pants afterwards. Jenna tried to get enough energy to turn over to roll off the bed but couldn't.

This couldn't be happening.

Her eyelids were getting heavy and Ryan was in his underwear. He ran his hand up her thigh, making her gasp. "Tyler..." Jenna whispered before going unconscious, tears springing down her cheeks.

Where was Tyler?

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