Car Rides & Dinner Manners

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Weather in Ohio was insane. It could be sunny in the morning and be pouring down rain by the time the final bell dismisses.

This was the situation. Lights flickered in the school as everyone was rushing out to their vehicles; Jenna was lost among the crowds doing so. Josh wasn't waiting very long for her as he texted her to come in five minutes or walk.

It's been ten minutes and Jenna finally made it outside to the pouring rain. Her eyes scanned for any sign of Josh or his vehicle, which was no longer in sight. "No!" Jenna whined as she got out her phone to call her dad.

"Do you need a ride?" A voice interrupts her; making her jump. Mocha eyes were watching her reaction from his old car. The rain was getting harder as Jenna stood there, staring at Tyler. Finally, Tyler reached over and opened the passenger door. "Get in before you get a cold." He demanded.

Jenna rushed inside his car and observed it. This wasn't what she expected him to drive. Jenna expected a fancy mustang; how wrong she was. Tyler pulled out of the parking lot in a rush, making Jenna hold on to her seatbelt. "Where are we going?"

"My house." Tyler simply answered, Jenna sat up straight. Her cheeks were turning red along with her ears, Tyler tried not to notice as her eyes seemed to be icy.

"I don't even know you. How my brother and Tatum reacted to you shows that I shouldn't be here. Oh my god, this was all a mistake." Jenna put her face in her hands. Tyler pulled up to a stop sign and looked at her.

"Get out." He simply said; Jenna looked up quickly.


"You said this was a mistake. Aren't you going to get out and walk? Or are you coming to my house?" Tyler was getting annoyed by now at this. Why can't girls make up their minds? This was a reason why Tyler and Brendon both agreed on getting with a woman then disappearing; no problems.

Jenna was dumbfounded as she examined her options: Go with Tyler to his house and possibly get murdered or get out and walk home in the pouring rain. Her mind was screaming for her to walk in the rain while deep down, her curiosity about Tyler was running. "I'm staying."

They went off again.


Tyler's house wasn't what Jenna expected. The front yard had a garden and the backyard had a swing set, a little boy was playing with his basketball when they pulled in. Tyler smiled for what seemed like a real smile, Jenna observed, as he watched the little boy run up and open his door. "Tyty, I dunked it!" The boy cheered and Tyler cheered after the announcement.

"Good job, Jay!" Tyler got out and hugged the boy. Jenna felt out of place suddenly; she didn't what to do in this moment. Watch? Get out? Stay? All she knew was Jay could be Tyler's brother because they looked alike.

The front door opened and Jenna's heart leaped as she saw Tatum and another guy walk out hand in hand, laughing. Why was Tatum here? That's when everything clicked: Tatum was seeing Tyler's brother.

Jenna unbuckled her seatbelt and slowly got out of the car. Jay stopped talking to Tyler and ran over to Jenna. "You look like a princess." Jay observed Jenna; making her giggle at the compliment. Jenna bent down to look Jay in the face. She tapped her chin with her finger as she looked at Jay.

"You look like a pro basketball player." Jenna finally said after she thought about how the boy got excited over dunking a basketball. Jay's eyes lit up and he hugged Jenna tightly.

Tyler watched this with a weird feeling in his gut; it wasn't bad but it wasn't a good feeling.

Tatum screams as she ran to hug Jenna. "Why are you here?" Tatum whispered, looking behind her shoulder at Tyler when she was asking this. Jenna rolled her eyes and smiled, explaining the situation to her new friend. Afterwards, Tatum grabbed her arm.

"Zack, we have to take Jenna home!" Tatum gets the attention of the boy that looks like Tyler which is Zack she assume. Tyler gaped his mouth and pointed at her.

"Your name is Jenna Dun!" Tyler exclaimed. Jenna's cheeks tuned rosy as she started the way with Tatum to Zack's car; which was very fancy compared to Tyler's. Don't get me wrong, it was a brand new mustang fancy, it was more of a more updated version than Tyler's.

Jay came running towards Jenna and hogged her leg. "Please stay, we can play NBA together and I could show you my skills!" Jay pouted holding onto Jenna's leg like he wasn't letting go anytime soon.

"Jenna has to go ho-"

"I can stay for a little while longer." Jenna interrupted Tyler as she got out of Tatum's grip and raced Jay to the basketball.

Tyler's eyes never left the blonde.


"You didn't have to let me stay for dinner!" Jenna politely says as she took a seat at the Josephs' dining table.

Tyler's mom, Kelly, met Jenna and automatically invited her to Jenna when seeing how well she played with Jay. Tyler felt super awkward with this situation; he has never let a girl he brought home stay for dinner.

"So tell us about yourself, Jenna. What has brought you to our small town?" Kelly asks as she places the plates on the table.

"Uh, my father married someone from here." Jenna's voice sounded like a whisper as she helped set the silverware.

"Mom, it's not like you're going to see her again." Tyler interrupted their conversation, making Kelly gasp at him.

If Jenna didn't feel like an ant, she felt like one now. She stood up from the table and looked at the small group of people that were now watching her like a lost puppy. "I-I'm going to call my brother to come pick me up." Jenna rushed out the door before anyone could reject it.

Kelly looked towards Tyler and whacked the side of his forehead. "You shouldn't ever treat a guest like you just did, Tyler! I did not raise you without any manners! Go out and apologize to Jenna."



Nobody messes with Kelly Joseph.


Tyler walked outside to see the blonde disappearing into the distance as she walked. Tyler never ran faster in that moment to catch up to her. "Jenna!" Tyler screamed making her spin around in confusion.

Her skin grew goosebumps as she felt him breathing heavily against her when he caught up. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that and you can come over any time. Jay likes you and so do I." Tyler forced himself to smile at the girl who just stood there, stunned for words.

A car sounded in the distance and both realized it was Josh.

"Bye Tyler." Jenna ran through the headlights as Tyler watched in the dark as she got in.

Her blue eyes never dulled.

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