Unwanted Company

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Jenna's eyes fluttered open to first sight the IV in her arm; must be for the dehydration because she can't remember when the last time was when she drank water. Her abdomen hurt slightly and she looked at the ceiling before a voice came to her ears.

"Jenna, you're awake." Chills went up her spine as she looked over to see the woman who gave birth to her and her siblings then abandoned them with her father. Jenna found herself shaking at the presence of her mother.

the memory of getting stopped with Tyler and her denying that she has children made her rage grow. "Why are you here?" Jenna's voice came out as a whisper and her mom- Debbie, went places a hand on hers.

"They called me when they brought you in; why are you with that Joseph boy? I heard that he is a wild one, Jennifer." Jenna internally winced at Jennifer and shook her head, causing a pain to go through her head.

By this time a nurse comes in with a board. "Sorry about your miscarriage, Jenna-"All the other words seemed to drown out after the word 'miscarriage' and her eyes widened in sudden realization.

That's why she was throwing up the other day; not the food. It was Ryan's baby, no doubt. Jenna put a hand to her stomach as she started to weep, her mom putting her arms around her. Jenna was too tired to push her mother off of her as she cried.

Everything seemed to go black once again.


  "We shouldn't tell her." A voice was whispering to someone else; Zack. Jenna groaned as she wiped her eyes to see him with Tatum at her bedside.

Tatum tapped his shoulder as they noticed that she noticed Jenna was awake once more. "Tell me about Tyler." Jenna was tired of talking about herself, she wanted to know how Ty was.

Tatum and Zack looked at each other as they looked at Jenna after. "That's the thing, Jenna.." Zack's voice cracked as he looked at Tatum for help. Tatum put her hands on Zack's as tears came to her eyes.

"Jenna, T-Tyler didn't make it."

Good Girl, Bad Boy {Jyler}Where stories live. Discover now