Romeo And Jenna

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"Jenna, I don't think you know the possibilities of going to a high school party." Laura worriedly folds laundry as Jenna sits across from her. She didn't go with Tyler's ideas of not telling her parents.

She can't imagine ever not telling her parents anything. Jenna was what you'd call a 'good girl'. She studied, had all A's, and could be the nicest person you'd meet.

Could be.

"Laura, it's not like I'll not know anyone there." Jenna shrugs her shoulders, keeping her eyes on Laura. Honestly, she couldn't care less if she went. She knew she'd only know probably one person.

Jenna would take watching Netflix and reading over going to a social event.

"Jenna, I just don't want you to get into any trouble. There are reasons I've never let Josh go to these either. Ask him if he's ever been to a party and he'll say no." Laura slides over a pile of Jenna's shirts. "This is final."

Jenna took her clothes with a disappointed look plastered on her face, secretly planning out which show she'll binge watch.

Her room was the only room upstairs with a view of the front yard through her window. Jenna loved it because whenever she felt like she needed fresh air, she could just open the window and- whoop! It's there.

Jenna's phone buzzed with a text from Ty Guy and she couldn't bring herself to answer it. The text was probably all about the party and Jenna didn't feel like getting into another argument. Why did he not call the home phone again? She'd never understand a brain of a boy.

Jenna kept to herself for the rest of the night, doing her own laundry and reading in her bed. Laura even brought dinner upstairs for the blonde to get rejected. Laura knew why she'd not want to eat: something was on her mind. Whenever Jenna gets anxious, she tends to keep to herself.

This was a reason they left Jenna alone.

It was around seven p.m when she started to hear a weird sound. Bang. Bang. Bang. Clutter. Bang. Crack.

Jenna moved the curtains slightly from her window to peak out, only to find Tyler Joseph with a rock in his hand. "What in the world?" Jenna mumbles to herself as she opened her window to look out.

Tyler grew a smile onto his face as he saw the blonde. "Are you coming?" Tyler shouted loudly, Jenna's cheeks blushed as she shushed the boy.

"My parents could hear you." Jenna says loud enough for Tyler to hear. The boy shrugged before starting to climb a tree that was beside Jenna's window. She shook her head and folded her arms across her chest.

"Jenna, come on." Tyler raised his voice as he continued climbing. Jenna was getting nervous of how high he was climbing; he could fall.

"I can't go." Jenna goes out of her window to sit on the small roof under her window. Tyler finally got head lengthen with the small edge and grabbed onto it, to only slip out of the tree. "Oh my god, Tyler!" She exclaimed as he crawled over to help the boy up.

Jenna took his hands into hers and pulled him onto her. Her back was against the gravel of the roof as Tyler laid on top of her, both out of breath. Tyler's eyes traveled down Jenna's neck onto her chest. This was the quickest time he's ever gotten on top of anyone.

Jenna pushed him off of her and looked at him. "Are you insane? You threw rocks at my window and attempted to climb a tree to get to me!" Jenna screamed into Tyler's face, surprising him how feisty she was. "You're crazy, Tyler Joseph." She stood up and went back into her room and closed her window, locking it.

Tyler moved to sit in front of her window and his eyes widened at the sight of Jenna's room. It wasn't what he expected a girl's room to be. Jenna's room looked like a tornado went through. Madison kept her room clean and Tyler always thought that's how all girls were.

"I'm not leaving until you come with me to the party." Tyler kept his ground as he watched Jenna close her curtains. She leaned against her wall in disbelief. A boy was actually desperate for her attention! This was out of the ordinary.

Jenna raced down to Josh's room and banged on his door. "It's an emergency!" She groans as she kept hitting the door. Josh opened the door in his boxers and his hair all messed up. Jenna's eyes widen as she noticed a girl's clothes. "Wh-who-"

"What's the emergency?" Josh asked quickly, making sure Jenna couldn't peak into his room any further. Jenna opened her mouth to say something but she was so speechless about the turn of events. Was this what it was like in the Dun household on Fridays?

Josh shut the door as he came out of his room and stormed into Jenna's. The clicking of the window was loud enough to not be noticed. He moved the curtains to see a puppy dog eyed Tyler, clicking his hands across the window. "What the heck? Why is he here?" He looked towards Jenna and she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"He wants me to go to his party and won't accept no for an answer." Jenna explained as Josh unlocked the window and opened it to let Tyler inside. "Why did you let him in?"

"It must be important because never in history has Tyler Joseph climbed into someone's window." Josh observed before heading towards the door. "Go to the party."

"But mom said-"

"Jenna, go to the party." Josh interrupts as he shuts her door and locks it from the outside. Jenna stood dumbfounded by Josh's actions meanwhile Tyler was sitting on Jenna's bed with a smirk.

Jenna held a finger up to Tyler to not speak as she looked in her closet for clothes to wear. She's never been to a high school party before.

"This dress or this dress?" She holds up two knee length dresses to Tyler, who was staring at her ceiling in thought. "Tyler!"

"The yellow."

"I don't have a dress that's yellow."

"Red." Tyler groans as he kept his eyes at the ceiling. Jenna rolled her eyes before starting to take off her shirt. Tyler's eyes widen as he watched as she did so; shocked of how she didn't care about him being in her room.

The friction in his pants was rising and for the sake of him, he hoped Jenna wouldn't look down there.

Jenna's red dress made her blue ocean eyes shine as she slipped on lip gloss. Tyler didn't bother telling her that you didn't have to dress for parties. "I want to know why you had to climb onto my roof balcony to get my attention." She says as she put on perfume.

"I can't just walk up to your door and tell your parents that you're coming with me." Tyler got up from Jenna's bed and opened the window. "I could've been like Romeo with you being my Juliet."

Jenna slipped on black flats then walked up to Tyler. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

Tyler only smiled; accomplishment feeling bubbling up inside.

Only if they both knew by the end of the night, Jenna wouldn't be a virgin any longer.

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