Monday Blues

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Monday came faster than anyone wanted.

Jenna stayed in her bed as she stared into space. She couldn't go and face those faces at school. What if people knew what happened? What if she sees Sarah? What if she sees Ryan? Those thoughts made her shudder and bury her face deeper in her pillow.

A soft knock came at the door and Jenna groaned in response. "Are you going to school today?" A very quiet Joshua asks as he looked at his little sister. Jenna wanted to see Tyler but she didn't want to get out of bed. Her bones felt like heavy bricks she had attached to herself.

Josh took the silence as a no and pulled the covers off of the blonde and picked her up, ignoring the refusals of the girl. Josh carried Jenna downstairs and out the door to his car. "I'm not going to school in my pajamas." Jenna groans as she whacks Josh in the head.

The black haired boy shakes his head as he went ahead and sat Jenna in the backseat and pulled out a hoodie. "You're going to wear this. No one is going to care about you being in your pajamas. If Ryan or any of those guys that messed with you try to talk to you, come find me. I'm going to check on you every hour, got it? If I don't, Ashley will. Even in the middle of class if you need me, I'll leave class faster than when you say my name. Jenna, I'm here for you."

By now, Jenna was letting tears fall as she hugged Josh tightly. She couldn't believe that this was her brother. Forever grateful she thought.


Her squeaky rabbit slippers squealed as she walked slowly down the hall with her hoodie over herself. Her book bag got left at home and she honestly doesn't want to be looked at. Tatum seemed to not get the vibe as she walked up to Jenna and held out her project. "I've been working on it and honestly feel proud. You know that you can't wear hoodies over your head, right?"

Jenna shook her head as she put her head in her locker. Tatum stood there confused as Ashley walks up. "Has she talked yet?"

"No, what happened?"

Quiet whispers get spoken between the two before a scream happens. "SARAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Tatum yells as she storms down the hall to the one and only Sarah by her locker. Jenna lifted her head up and peaked out from behind her locker door to see the epic girl fight that's about to happen.

Tatum shoves her whole body into Sarah's making them both collapse against the locker then onto the tiles, Tatum yanks her hair as she spit in her face. "DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO TELL ME?"

Jenna looks over to see Josh and Tyler wide eyed. "Do they know each other?" Josh whispers to Tyler and he shrugs. Tatum has her hands around Sarah's throat by now and another girl with the name Breezy runs up to get Tatum off of Sarah but then all of them scream once more as Madison screams and joins in on the fight.

"This is the most interesting thing to happen all year." Brendon joins in on the three bystanders. The whole hallway was watching as the four were yanking and tackling another.

Was there a principal anywhere? Was there even any authority? The answer is yes... they were involved in watching. Their high school wasn't very strict but when something happens like this, no one is stopping the fire.

"I will kick your ass, Chloe!" Sarah screams at Tatum who simply shrugs and folds her arms at the other and Breezy moves herself off of Madison as she disbands from the fight. It seems as if everyone was already getting tired from the excitement.

The bell rings as everyone begins to move to class. Jenna stays put and Josh looks at her. "Are you feeling like you could walk?" Josh asks and Jenna shakes her head. Tyler sweeps Jenna off her feet before getting any protests.

If anyone could make her day, it would be Tyler.

The school hours went by slow; Tyler never left Jenna's side, even when they had different classes. Tatum was close behind, still mad about the whole gone wrong Saturday night

Lunch came and this was the best part of school according to Jenna. Food was one of her top priorities of everything.

"Hey," A quiet voice came from behind Jenna as she stood in the lunch line. She jumped and spun around to a guy with a bad hairstyle.

Where is Tyler?

"Hi." Jenna simply says out of nervousness. Every nerve in her makes her want to run the other direction to avoid socialization but she didn't want to be rude. The brown haired boy simply smiled and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"I know what happened between you and Ryan. Trust me; he'll get what's coming for him." Jenna looks at the guy with curiosity before he shrugged and walked off.

"Who's that?" Jenna asked Tatum who was in front of her. Tatum looked around before a smile came to her lips. "That's Spencer Smith. He's a total nice guy."

Jenna simply nodded before they continued in line for their food.

What exactly is coming for Ryan?

Does it have anything to do with Jenna?

What if Tyler knows what's going to happen but isn't telling Jenna?

What if he's been lying to her this whole time?

Jenna took a second and thought over being told about Tyler being untrustworthy and to stay away from him. Tears started coming to her eyes and she quickly wiped them.

She can't cry over a guy she barely knew. Sure, he made her stomach flutter along with her heart but how well does she know Tyler?

Her heart sunk at the thought of him playing her.

Slowly, she moved out of the line and walked to find Josh. It was easy knowing where he'd be.

The music hall.

Jenna could hear the drums being beat as she stormed in to find her brother focused on his music. "Can you take me home?" Jenna's voice came out like a plead and Josh simply nodded.

They walked through the hall to get to the parking lot; Tyler noticed Jenna and smiled at her but she avoided his gaze. "What did I do?" He mumbled as Brendon lit a cigarette for Tyler and they smoked in the corner of the hallway.

"Girls; they're always moody. She'll be fine, Ty." Brendon reassured Tyler with those words and a pat on his shoulder. This didn't feel right to Tyler though. Jenna must've had a reason, right?

He decided against going after her as he continued his smoke break.

Tyler's going to wish he hadn't.


This chapter sucks.

I worked on this for three days so I hope you guys like.

One thousand reads!! Honestly, can't believe I have that many. This book isn't that good?

I love you guys.


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