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The days seemed to pass by slowly but quickly at the same time. I don't know what happened after I left Tyler's but since then, we haven't spoken a word. 

He missed Valentine's Day with me even though he didn't ask if his Valentine would be me. I assumed so since he's my boyfriend. I left a singing teddy bear in his locker but never got any response back.

That was a week ago.

It may seem clingy but I am dying without hearing a word from him. 

Laura decided it was time to take my wrappings off my wrists so now I wear sweaters to cover my arms. I tilted my head to the side then sighed at my own reflection. How did I go from being independent to depending on someone's communication with me to live? This isn't the me I raised myself to be. 

Actually, I  do not know what I am meant to be. 

Ashley and Abigail read on the couch as I walked in the living room. Their father hasn't bothered contacting them since he threatened to take Josh and Abigail back with him. I think Ashley has grown to like me. Jordan just talks to me about wanting a dog so that is good to create a bond over.

Debby and Josh's baby seems to be healthy. They decided to keep the sex a surprise and announced that I would be godmother. I feel honored. 

Josh was curled up on the recliner as he stared off into space as I walked by. "Have you talked to Tyler?" I ask as I laid on top of Josh, my back to his stomach with my feet on top of his. Josh let out a sigh as he shook his head then went back to stare at a wall. 

"Have I ever told you my plan A?" He looked at me seriously and I shook my head. He put his arm around me like he always did when he needed to comfort me. This time though, I think I am the one that should be comforting him. 

"I got asked to drum for this band but it doesn't feel right. Jenna, I do not know what I am doing besides graduating this year. I have no plan B. I just want to be a drummer in a place with the feeling that what I am doing is going to give people feelings. I want my drums to pound in hearts and when I fail, what am I supposed to do then?" 

"Don't fail." Was all I simply said before he looked at me. "If you have that mindset then it won't work for you. You got to know that you are doing amazing and that your hard work is going to pay off. Josh, you are going to be a famous drummer with how loud you play drums and how the passionate look gets in your eye shows that. I believe in you, Joshua."

And that is when Tyler calls and changes their lives. 

                                                                                                      I typed this in English class. 

                                                                       Hope you all are doing well! I love you guys.

Love always, 


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