Tyler's Personal Cheerleader

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Jenna knew how to ignore people.

In fact, she did a lot. Who wants to hear a story about how you sleep? No one.

What Jenna didn't know was how to ignore Tyler Joseph.

Tonight is the first basketball game of the season and Laura forced Ashley, Jenna, and Josh to go out of the house. Josh hasn't spoken much since the meltdown with Debby and Jenna nor Ashley wanted to try to talk to him. The three of them walked into the stadium with rowdy people in the stands, screaming every other second.

A hand waved up and a yell was heard. "Jenna!" The small voice of Jay with a wide smile wavered over to the blonde. Jay was sitting with Kelly, Chris, and Zack who seemed to be watching the court. The game hasn't even started yet.

Jenna looked over at her two siblings before abandoning them for the Josephs'. There is no Tyler in sight so it does count as ignoring! (No it doesn't Jenna.) She took a seat beside Jay and he pulled out a sign that had TYLER written on the paper then held it out for her to hold. "Oh, uh, I can't do that." Jenna says awkwardly as she shook her head.

"Come on Jennuh, you can be like Tyler's personal cheerleader!" Jay cheers as he put the sign in her lap. Should I do it? Jenna thought to herself before the crowd roared as their team ran out into the court.

Jenna's heart never skipped a beat from a basketball player until now.

"I got to ignore these feelings

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"I got to ignore these feelings." Jenna mumbles to herself as she clapped for their team, mostly for Tyler. The sign was still right beside her and she glanced at it once more.

It's not like he'll notice that she's holding up a sign with his name on it, right?

The buzzard went off to start the first quarter and she screamed as Tyler got the ball and dribbled. Jenna didn't notice as she was standing up and smiling widely as the boy she liked ran down court.

  (He looks tired or scared or something but hot)

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  (He looks tired or scared or something but hot)

"Jenna, calm down!" A laugh was heard as she turned to look at Madison who was smiling at the lovesick girl. A blush rose to Jenna's cheeks as she sat down and watched the game.

Soon half time came and the cheerleaders were doing their cheers. Sarah and Breezy were twisting their hips at the basketball players and Brendon stood up from the lower section of the stands and whistled at Sarah, who dismissed him with a shrug. "You just got rejected!" One of the basketball players Jenna didn't know yelled at Brendon and in response he flipped the other off.

Her eyes drifted off until they met Tyler's, who was grinning at her. "You having fun?" Tyler mouthed to Jenna who looked away as if she didn't just see him. Tyler looked away confused before returning to the huddle of his team.

The third quarter started as Jenna was once again up and screaming for their team. The sign was in her hands as she held it up with a proud smile.

Kelly and Chris looked at each with a smile

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Kelly and Chris looked at each with a smile. "I think I like this Jenna girl." Chris whispered for only the two could hear. Kelly nodded and glanced at the girl who was screaming her head off.

"Tyler's crazy about her. I think they deserve to get together." Kelly whispered back and Chris continued to ask why they weren't together and Kelly was silent before saying: "I'll help with our son's love life."

Chris and Kelly fist bumped like the cool dorky parents they were.

The game was over and Jenna was out of the stands before anyone could blink. She ran out the stadium to the bathroom to puke and her heart was beating so fast, her adrenaline pumping. Why was she throwing up? Probably the concession stand food.

Jenna realized she still had the sign in her pocket all crumbled and figured she needed to return it. Jenna walked out the restroom to run into Kelly. "Hey Jenna, would you like to have tea on Saturday?" The smile from the woman instantly made Jenna feel guilty at the thought of saying no.

What would be so bad about having tea with the-guy-you-are-trying-to-avoid's mom?

Jenna nodded before handing back the Tyler sign and ran out into the parking lot to see Laura waiting for them. She hopped in shotgun seat and sighed. "Why is so hard to avoid certain people?" Jenna asks as she looks at the car ceiling.

Laura looked over the blonde before speaking quietly. "Maybe they're here for a reason."

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