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Jenna's heart did a double take at the voice in the mist of the chaos. The doctors backed away from Tyler's hospital bed and it was truly the moment her heart stopped.

The brown eyes she's stared into for a million years were open and fixed on Josh. It was obvious with Jenna in the corner that he didn't notice she was there.

"Welcome back to planet Earth." Josh grinned at Tyler and that brought a soft smile to the other's face as well. "Did you see any aliens while you were out of this world?"

"None of them looked as out of this world like you are, my alien friend." Tyler compliments Josh as they both chuckle and both of them looked at Jenna at the same time.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she pushed her chair slowly over to him. Tyler's eyes looked down at her wrists and he frowned slight. "You hurt yourself, Jenna." His voice cracked as he took one of her hands in his.

"I thought you were gone." Jenna whispered as they exchanged glances.

"I wouldn't just leave you." Tyler brought her hand up to his lips and kissed up her wrist. "You're an angel; you don't need a broken halo."

"I missed you so much, Tyler." Jenna leaned her forehead against his hospital bed and he hummed slightly as he ran his hand up her arm.

"I'm going to find whoever was going to hit you with their car and kill them."

"They almost killed you." Jenna giggled at the thought of Tyler, that's in a hospital bed that WAS IN A COMA to attack THE PEOPLE WHO HIT HIM WITH A CAR.


Tyler noticed the bump in his hospital gown and his face flushed as he looked at the ceiling, making Jenna smirk. "At least I still have my dong dong."

"Thank god otherwise how'd we reproduce?" Jenna grins while Josh's eyes widen. Tyler busts out laughing at Josh's reaction before shaking his head.

"The one who got someone pregnant is shocked."

All three of them started laughing.

They were all together once again.

Good Girl, Bad Boy {Jyler}Where stories live. Discover now