Hershey Kisses

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The kiss seemed to go on for eternity before Tyler pulled back and looked at me, his eyes widen like he just did something he never dreamed of.

We both stared at each other in silence as we take in what just happened.

Tyler kissed me. What does this mean? I don't know the answer to this question and won't find out until prom.

But that's very far from the flashback we are in at the moment.

"So.. which kind of kiss do you prefer? Hershey kisses or that kiss?" Tyler asks out of no where and I look at him.

"What?" I start to laugh at the ridiculousness of that question and he laughs also. I could barely see him in the night anymore and he opened the backseat door, trying to stop laughing.

"You can sleep in the back, I'll sleep in the driver's seat." He gestures me to lay down inside and I shake my head at this offer. I'd rather be the one sleeping in a seat than let Tyler after all he's done for me.

Tyler opened his mouth to insist but I push him into the backseat, making him lay on his back as I was on top of him.

We stared at each other again. "Why do I always seem to fall into you?" I ask and he rolls his eyes at me.

I knew we both were thinking of the time he climbed my roof balcony.

"This was your fault. The balcony was my fault. Jenna, learn your faults." Tyler pretended to scold me as he brushed his hand against my cheek and I smiled.

Was he going to kiss me again?

"Hershey kisses or these kisses?" He whispers, bringing me closer to him. I take a moment to answer and he raises a brow at me.

"I'm not sure." I whisper back at him, making him grin before kissing me again.

Here we are in the middle of nowhere and Tyler Joseph keeps taking my breath away.

This kiss lasted shorter than the first as he moved me off of him and pulled a bag of Hershey kisses out of Brendon's seat pockets. "What? Have you never seen a guy eat a kiss before?" He winked at me and I folded my arms as I was cuddled up to Tyler, his arm around my waist.

This night forever was imprinted on my mind and so was his.


Me: *doesn't update for a week*
*three updates in an hour*

You're welcome.

I hope you like these because some stuff is gonna blow up in the next chapter.


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