Strike Two {Part 2}

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Sarah and Jenna were gathered back in the lockers rooms as there was a pep rally fixing to happen. "I can't believe you got me a cheerleading uniform." Jenna looks over the white and red uniform in her hands as she holds it in her lap.

"I guess welcome to the squad." Sarah mumbles as she put her hair up. The other cheerleaders were gathered around, chattering about what they had planned for the rally. Jenna couldn't help but feel a bit nervous that she's never done anything this rebellious before. Sure, she stole candy once but it wasn't a big deal! Nobody noticed.

Now this was going to go unnoticed.

Jenna peaked out to find Tyler back at school in his basketball uniform and her heart pounded. What was Tyler going to think? She left them at a bad place- they weren't even together yet! As if they'll ever be.

"Are you ready?" Sarah asked as Jenna nodded. Ready as she'll ever be.

"Now put your hands together for the Columbus high cheer squad!" The inner con blares as the cheerleaders and Jenna rush into the court with Pom poms in hand. Jenna stood by Sarah as she caught Tyler's eye.

He looked at her as if he was confused as to see a girl, who clearly doesn't want to be a cheerleader, in a cheerleading outfit. Jenna ignored the other as she went into line with the other cheerleaders.

"Spencer is running the lights so he'll find Ryan in the crowd and bam, he'll be in center spotlight as he should be." Sarah whispered to Jenna as she remembered Spencer from the lunch line. She seriously needs to befriend him.

The music of Usher started to play and suddenly the cheerleaders had their hands on the person in front's hips as they started to bend down to the floor as if they actually had a routine when suddenly the lights cut off along with the music.

A light shined out of nowhere at a face in the crowd that Jenna will never forget. Goosebumps went up her arms as she looked at Sarah. "Are you ready?" Sarah whispers and Jenna nodded. Sarah turned on her hooked up mic as she walked across the crowd of bleachers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what you're about to witness isn't our ordinary cheerleading routine. I'd like to pass the attention to our new lady, Jenna Dun!" Sarah does jazz hands as she sashayed back up to Jenna's side with a smile. Jenna didn't feel like correcting her own last name as she nervously walked up to get all the eyes on her.

Ryan was licking his lips at the sight of Jenna which made her sick inside. It is time. "Hi hello, you may have heard of what had happened between me and our fellow classmate Ryan Ross." Jenna says to get a few whistles from guys in the bleachers and suddenly her cheeks grow rosy as she felt the urge to throw up.

She turns back to Sarah and looks at the others. "Hold me up." Jenna says not in the microphone as Sarah and Linda rush over to lift her off the ground. She's had a few cheerleading camps before so she knew how to hold her balance in a situation like this.

"Something wrong with society these days are their views of people; especially us ladies! I need every girl to stand up if a guy has ever used you!" Jenna cheers out as girls start to stand up in the bleachers. "You see, this is wrong. Females aren't just objects to use when you're bored, Ryan! I know there are other guys like Ryan in this audience and honestly, you make me sick. So come on Ryan, confess what you did to the school!" Jenna smiles wickedly as Sarah takes a stand in talking.

"Quick, Jenna Bo Benna pass the mic. Ryan Ross and I have known each other since middle school and honestly, he is probably carrying a sexual disease so get tested! Ryan, I'm done with your blackmailing and I'm publicly saying that Brendon Urie is the one and only man that I'll ever have sex with again!" Sarah cheers and Brendon stands up in the audience to yodel making everyone giggle.

Except Ryan who was now standing up and trying to get out of the bleachers with no luck as people kept blocking him. "So Ryan, it hurts doesn't it? Being exposed to the world? That's what you made all the girls you've hurt feel like! I hope you feel fantastic!" Jenna hisses as she gets put on the ground.

Their time was about done for and Jenna felt like she could go on. Tyler was dumbfounded by this new side of Jenna being witnessed and he didn't know how to feel about it.

"Hit the music, Spencer!" Sarah cheers as they all got in formation and before anyone could process anything, Beyoncé was blaring.

Who run the world? Girls.

And in this moment, Jenna had never felt more power and impact.

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