Out Of Here

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It took Tyler three days to get cleared that he could go home. It took Jenna one day but she never left his side once she actually put her own clothes on.

Jenna rushed out of his room to get drinks as he looked at Josh. "You didn't read the letter, did you?" Tyler curiously tilted his head as Josh declined the question.

"I want you to be the superhero for her, Josh. I almost lost my cape once for her but I don't want my Mary Jane to be left without her Peter Parker." Josh chuckles at the spider man reference but nodded to Tyler's request. He has felt left out of Jenna's life since school has started and Debby is carrying his child so that took up most of his brain.

"I promise I'll try my best from here on out." Josh promises as Jenna comes back with water. Tyler gets pushed by Jenna in his wheelchair to the entrance of the hospital to where his mother had the vehicle in wait.

Jenna honestly missed his vehicle and couldn't wait to ride in it once more. It sucked being sixteen but had no license yet and had to depend on Josh for transportation.

The three get outside and Kelly, Tyler's mom, races over and helps Tyler up from the chair with a tight hug. "Your siblings have missed you." Kelly kissed her son's forehead as Tyler sighed.

Something was off.

"What's wrong, Ty?" Jenna spoke up as Josh stood beside her and Tyler looks at his mom.

"I don't want to play basketball anymore."


This is what happens when you can't sleep.

Save me from school.

Also, see where I'm going with this? ;);)

Check out my new book pleaseeeee.

I love you all.


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