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The sun shined through the windowsill as eyes fluttered open. The blonde automatically felt a pain down under herself and the night came back in flashes. Every time she closed her eyes from that moment, she saw him. Jenna only knew it was Madison's room by a picture of a young Tyler and her with a puppy.

It felt as if she had hands all over her; as if she was dirty. Jenna sat up to realize that she was in a nightgown that wasn't hers and underwear that didn't fit right. She didn't fit right in anything at the moment. Her legs ached as she moved to get off the bed.

Tears were coming to her eyes as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her reflection was different. The girl she looked at everyday didn't seem to be there anymore. The heart inside her chest seemed to be out of place just like her looks. Jenna pushed herself off the bed and slowly made her way to the door.

Sarah grabbed my hand and guided me to a bedroom. The door was shut and the way she opened it seemed like a routine. She knew this place like it was home. For me, it became my nightmare.

Jenna's hand rested on the doorknob as her flashback rushed through her mind. She could hear voices outside the door and she wasn't sure if she was ready to face them. Jenna bit her lip as she creaked the door open slowly, her nerves electrifying with every move.

Was she ready to go downstairs? Was she ready to leave this room? This room was her shelter until she alerts everyone of her existence. The only thing was: she didn't know if she wanted her existence to be acknowledged.

The blonde slowly stepped into the hall and looked at the bathroom. The water dripping from the sink seemed to be the loudest thing in her ears. Jenna took a couple steps before slipping herself into the bathroom and locked it once she made it inside. "Please don't come for me." She whispered against the door before laying on the floor.

Her eyes scanned the ceiling as feelings came rushing back.

The frantic panic that got stuck in her as she was held down by her wrists.

The helplessness from the substance in her drink she had.

The pressure to be accepted.


Her eyes closed as she rested on the bathroom floor, drifting out the knocks on the door from a very anxious Tyler. "Can you let me in?" Tyler whispered quietly.

His eyes were red and swollen from not sleeping. He wouldn't let Jenna know this but he sat outside the door just in case she woke up during the early morning hours. Tyler got forced to go eat cereal and abandon his place in wait for Jenna.

Bad luck.

Jenna's eyes were pooling up with tears and she tugged at the nightgown before getting up and tossing the nightgown to the ground. She looked at the bathtub and turned on the water. Tyler sat in front of the door and listened as the blonde messed around in the bathroom.

What was he doing?

He hasn't even known the blonde for a week and there they were.

Tyler felt like he knew Jenna from a past life and she was ordinary. Everyone he knew could tell Tyler was different with Jenna. Sure, he tried to act cool and not care with her but secretly she made him nervous and frustrated. Frustrated because he doesn't know what he's feeling when he's with her. How dare she be the brightest ray of sunshine in the room!

The bathtub filled up with warm water and bubbles as Jenna got in and sinked down into the water. No matter how much she washed herself, she felt dirty. She knew she wasn't dirty but the feeling of Ryan's touch wouldn't leave. It was a permanent marker upon her body.

Tyler knocked again gently. "Jenna, please say something so I know you're okay."

"I'm not okay." Jenna's voice came out in a whisper and Tyler shook his head at himself. Of course she wasn't okay. Why was he asking her if she's okay?

It stayed like this for an hour before the bathroom door opened slightly, Tyler looking up to Jenna who wrapped herself into a towel. The thought just occurred that she stayed overnight and her parents probably are freaking out by now; exception for josh who probably isn't caring a bit about his little sister at the moment.

Who even was in his bedroom?

Jenna waddled to Madison's room and shut the door before Tyler could ask any questions. Jenna took a shirt and shorts from Madison's closet, hoping she wouldn't mind that her clothes were being borrowed from a girl she barely knew. "Can I come in?" Tyler asked as he waited for an answer.

Jenna shrugged and opened the door to look at Tyler. She barely remembered being held close by the emotional boy, who was now looking at her. "Can you take me home?"

"Do you want any breakfast?" Tyler avoided Jenna's question but got overruled as she left him in the hallway for the front door.

If he wasn't taking her home, she'd walk.

Jenna didn't want to get questioned about anything from anyone. She just wanted her bed to lay in and stay safe from the outside world.

She walked barefoot down the street, halfway hoping Tyler would be the usual life saver he was and decide to take her home. He never came though.

Jenna walked inside her house to her dad and Laura eating breakfast. Laura looked up and dropped her spoon into her cereal as she laid her eyes on Jenna. "What happened, Jen?" She observed the blonde who still had red eyes from crying too hard. Jenna shook her head before going to hug the woman and buried her head into Laura's shoulder.

"Can I tell you later? I just want to be alone." Jenna whispered as she looked at her and Laura nodded.

Jenna was relieved and hurried up to her room. Her bedroom door was open and on her bed sat Josh, who was just in boxers. "Can you please leave?" Jenna looked at Josh and he shook his head. She sighed and went to lay beside him, being pulled close by the other.

"I heard what happened last night, Jenna. I can kick their butts for you if you like. I'm not scared of them and I'm older anyways. No one gets to hurt my little sister and get away with it." Josh looked at her with concerned eyes. Jenna shook her head and got under her covers.

"I don't want any attention brought to me." Jenna complained. Josh took a pillow and whacked her out of habit. This was the stupidest response ever in this situation, Josh thought to himself. He took part of the blame for what happened to her.

The reason he found out was a two in the morning phone call from a very sorry Tyler. They stayed on the phone until Josh fell asleep, snoring into the phone. Tyler let the phone call stay alive for an extra hour as he waited for Jenna. He finally hung up when Josh started mumbling words about someone named Debby.

"Jenna, promise me something."

"Tell me." Jenna whined as she looked over at him.

"Promise me you won't let them get away with this." Josh kept his eyes on Jenna, holding his pinky out.

Jenna wrapped her finger around his and nodded. "I promise."


This chapter sucks I'm sorry.

Good Girl, Bad Boy {Jyler}Where stories live. Discover now