The Gone Wrong

572 30 82

Date written: [04/3/17]

The picture attached does not fit the mood for this chapter.

Be ready to get some emotions.

Thank you guys for reading so far.


Tyler hurried to grab Jenna some water because he had a feeling she wouldn't like the alcoholic drinks provided. Don't get him wrong; sure he encouraged Jenna to sneak out of the house, but he wouldn't force her into drinking. (What the heck Tyler you don't make any sense uM).

He opened Brendon's fridge to see nothing but a baloney sandwich.

And Brendon doesn't like baloney.

Tyler shut the fridge door in frustration and went to the backyard to see Brendon in a cloud of smoke. This wasn't unusual for one of Brendon's parties but Tyler's patience  was running thin as he walked up to his friend. "Where's some water?" Tyler found himself yelling over the music once more and Brendon gave him a bewildered look.

"The pool duh, Ty." Brendon rolled his eyes once more as he exhaled some more smoke, Tyler shaking his head as he remembered there was some water in his car.

Tyler walked over to see his window was broke open and shattered on the driveway. "What the frick?" Tyler whispered to himself as he looked inside to find someone had stolen his car radio. "What am I going to do now? Sit in silence?" Tyler cursed himself as he opened the trunk to find some left over water bottles from when he played basketball.

Sarah seemed to be in a good mood as she skipped up to Tyler. "What happened to your car?"

"Someone stole my car radio, what do you mean what happened to my car? It's quite obvious." Tyler rolled his eyes in annoyance before remembering Jenna. "Where's Jenna?"

"She just needed some alone space so Ryan took her upstairs." Sarah said way too casually for Tyler's hearing. A weird vibe started radiating through Tyler and he took a second to think about what Sarah just said.

Ryan and Tyler didn't get along very good; he stole Jay's basketball and popped it flat. Jay thought that his dreams were over and this right off put them at (pretty) odds with one another. The only reason he took Sarah as a friend was because she was Brendon's fuck buddy when he needed her. Lets just say that Brendon's sex life was pretty much known to Tyler.

"What room upstairs, Sarah?" Tyler shut his trunk and looked at the blue eyed girl. Sarah just shrugged and looked away, only to get shoved against Tyler's car making her gasp. The left over broken glass was pricking her back and Tyler could care less if she bled to death. "Where the hell is Jenna?" Tyler strictly pinned Sarah against his car, their noses touching.

Sarah was silent.

At this moment, a very out of it Brendon stumbled over to the two with a grin. "Threesome?" He giggled looking at the two. Tyler glanced at his friend then back at Sarah to only shake his head at her.

"If she's harmed Orzechowski, there will be hell to play." Tyler whispered in her ear before storming back inside, gripping the water bottle tightly.

This wasn't how Tyler was planning the night would go. Sure, his goal was seducing Jenna into giving in to him but he wasn't going to force onto her. He wanted her to have a good time. A night so good she wouldn't forget.

This night was forever remembered in the future as "The-Gone-Wrong".


Tyler frantically kicked open every door Brendon had in his house, slowly losing hope that he'd find the blonde. He stood in the hallway, running his hair through his fingers in frustration. He was going to give up before he saw Ryan walk out of Brendon's bedroom.

Why didn't he check Brendon's room? Tyler mentally face palmed before walking up to Ryan and punched him in the face. Ryan fell to the ground, shocked how quickly that escalated. "What'd you do to Jenna?" Tyler pulled Ryan back up to his feet, keeping his eyes on the guy.

Ryan's nose was bleeding but he just grinned at Tyler. "More like do Jenna." He chuckled only to get shoved into the wall as Tyler went inside Brendon's room.

Everything looked in its place except the blonde on the bed, her underwear at her ankles as she was unconscious. "J-Jenna no.." Tyler whispered as he took the fragile girl into his arms, letting the underwear slide off onto the floor. Everything seemed to fade away as he looked at the blonde. His eyes were tearing up as he looked at her.

"I'm so sorry, Jenna. I-I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm so sorry. So so sorry." Tyler held the blonde close to him as he cradled her. Tyler couldn't describe the guilt taking a toll inside of him. He's never raped a girl and never has met a girl who has been raped.

It was all his fault that this happened to the sunshine with sass and blue eyes that could drought oceans.

Tyler sat in silence with Jenna sleeping in his arms for what seemed like an hour before he put a blanket over her. He cradled her as he carried her to Brendon's truck and placed her inside, careful not to disturb her. Tyler knew where Brendon kept his keys as he grabbed them from a flower pot before driving to his house.

The street lights took turns shining onto Jenna's face as he drove. Every stop sign he stopped at, he looked over to make sure she stayed asleep. The truck ride was silent and for the first time Tyler wanted the silence to engulf him.

He pulled up to see his sister on the porch, waiting for him. This was an annual thing for Madison. She always worried about Tyler, no matter how many times Tyler has told her he'd be home.

Tyler got out in a hurry and rushed to Jenna's side, taking her carefully out of the truck. The blue blanket was closely wrapped around Jenna as he took her up the steps. "What happened to her, Tyler?" Worry was in Madison's voice as her eyes widened at Jenna. Tyler shook his head at his sister before instructing her to get some of her clothes for the blonde.

Tyler carried Jenna inside to see Kelly sipping some coffee. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Jenna. "Oh my goodness. Tyler, what can I do to help?" She asked and Tyler quickly shook his head. Disappointment was rising in Tyler's throat as he hurried upstairs. He knew his mother wasn't going to be happy at all about Jenna's situation and how the blood was on his hands.

Tyler took Jenna to Madison's room to where she had already laid out pajamas for Jenna.

Tyler carefully sat Jenna on her bed and his hands were shaking as he went to unzip her dress. Sure, he's done this a million times but with Jenna, it almost felt guilty. Madison watched as Tyler slowly pulled the zipper down, the sleeves sliding down her shoulders to show her bra. Tyler took ahold of one of Jenna's arms to notice a bruise on her wrist from Ryan's grip.

Anger boiled inside him followed by guilt. "M-Madison, do you reckon you can dress her? I can't do this." Tyler's voice cracked as he looked at his sister. Madison's eyes widened in confusion of how weird Tyler was acting before nodding.

Tyler let go of Jenna and stormed into the hallway to begin pacing back and forth. "I'm so sorry, God. I know we haven't talked in quite some time." Tyler began whispering in the hall as he looked at the ceiling. "All she wanted was a drop of water."

This was the beginning of change.

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