
475 23 16

Jenna POV

"This can't be happening!"

"I told you this would happen, Joshua!" A girl was crying in Josh's bedroom and Ashley is eavesdropping with me outside his door. I still haven't properly introduced myself to her yet but by the sounds of this, something is wrong.

"Debby, I thought it was one hundred percent safe!"

"Oh yeah? So that means we can have sex everywhere we went? What is my boyfriend going to think? We haven't even had sex!" She screeched so loud that the whole house could hear. Ashley widens her eyes and we look at each other.

"Do you think..?" She whispers and I shake my head. Josh couldn't be so stupid enough to get this girl pregnant. The constant arguing continued inside his room and we kept quiet before the door swings open, making ashley and I fall back on our backs.

The girl he's talking to is so pretty. Even with puffy red eyes.

"I-I gotta go." She steps over Ashley and I as she rushes out of the house before she could hear Josh's pleas for her to stay.

"What did you do, Joshua?" Ashley asks quietly and Josh looks down. He did something bad. Josh only doesn't answer when he's either frustrated or has done something.

I swear if he got this Debby girl pregnant, Laura isn't going to handle this well.

His eyes burst into tears and I stand up. I pulled him into a hug and he sighed. "Jenna, what am I going to do? Mom isn't going to even going to acknowledge my existence after this. Debby's parents are going to kill me. Her boyfriend is going to murder me first." I rubbed his back as I sighed along with him.

"Why did you get with her when she had a boyfriend?"

"Her boyfriend hurts her, Jenna. She was crying alone in the park and I comforted her; that's the moment I knew I wanted to get to know her. We didn't mean for her to get pregnant- God, I'm going to be a dad."

I stop hugging Josh and look at him. "You're so good with kids, Josh. I doubt mom and dad will not help you. They're here for you just like we all are. It'll be okay, Josh."

Josh looked at me and we had a silent agreement as he walked out his room. Ashley watched as he left before looking at me for a couple of seconds, her eyes showing sympathy. I smile a bit and she shrugged before going to her room.

I take a moment and think about everything that has happened. I need to stop just worrying about myself; there's josh who needs me. I need to be there for both him and Debby, whenever I actually talk to her. Tyler is just a living confusion of a human figure and I need to avoid him at all costs. Not like he'll actually care.



This chapter is so short but eventful.

How are you? Is everything okay? I'm always here for you if you need to just talk about anything and everything that's happening in your world.

You're never alone.

I promise the next chapter will be tons better.

I love you.


I added a YouTube video that's basically Josh with kids. 💕

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