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The showers felt the most relaxing when something is stuck in my head.

Right now, I'm worried. Jenna surely noticed that we made eye contact, right? I saw her holding up my sign Jay made which seemed to make her happy. Then again, you can't judge someone by how they look on the outside.

I step out of the showers to see Brendon smoking, waiting for me. This was our ritual. He'd come find me then afterwards he drags me onto another adventure. "What's the plan tonight, forehead?" I grin as I slip into some comfy clothes from my locker.

"You'll figure it out, smol bean." Brendon chuckled as we walked out of the gym; nearly every car gone from the parking lot. I was right with assuming Brendon could score another ride in no time. His new Cadillac shined as we got in and he smirked at me.


Brendon shook his head before taking us in the direction of Jenna's house. Maybe he knows why she's been ignoring me. I messed with the radio until Brendon slaps my hand away. This is what happens when I'm passenger in anyone's vehicle. I can't help but control the music on the radio.

Drake started playing and I glare at Brendon. He knows how much I despise drake music. I'll never understand why he became so... known? Maybe I'll create a band and be known as well as he is one day.

Who am I kidding? Basketball is the plan.

We pull into the Duns' and I'm out of the car before he could tell me anything. I knock on the door to get a little girl to answer the door. "Abigail, you can't just-" Jenna enters the door way and we both freeze as we looked at each other.

Her pajamas were pink onesies and her hair was everywhere with her hair wild. Jenna still looked breathtaking "I want you, Jenna Dun." The words leave my mouth before I can comprehend what I'm saying. Jenna's eyes widen and the little girl took glances between us before smiling.

"You're getting married." Abigail whispers suddenly making Jenna slam the door in my face. A blush was rising to my cheeks as I looked down at my feet. Am I supposed to leave now or wait?

The friction in my sweats wasn't helping at all.

Cmon Tyler, Jenna has already seen you once with a boner. I do not want to experience this again. I turn to walk away when the door opens and Jenna steps out. "This isn't a good time, Ty." Her voice brought goosebumps as I looked at her blue eyes. They held a pinch of sadness and confusion.

Brendon honks the horn making Jenna jump as she stepped closer. "What are you-"

"Shhhh." Her finger came to my lips and I had the urge to bite it then realized that that wouldn't make any sense. She leaned in making her breath brushing my cheeks as our noses tickled each other's. "You can't just show up out of no where every time you're here." She whispers as I held her hips and I shake my head slowly.

I like being the element of surprise.

Our lips brush against each other's as tears came out of her eyes, making me squeeze her even tighter to me. "What's wrong Jenna?" My voice sounds quiet as we looked each other over. Her lip quivered as she looked away.

"They're trying to take Josh and Ashley." She begins crying and i pull her into a hug. Who? What? I have so many questions but I don't want to distract her. "I also saw Ryan."

That's when my heart stopped.

"Did he touch you?" I look at her and she shakes her head. "Where did you see him?" She begins to tell me that he was outside her house when her mother and her got back from the basketball game. Jenna started having a panic attack and her mother almost went after Ryan but he got away. "He can be charged with rape and stalking you, Jenna. You could get a order to keep him away, okay baby girl?" I ran my hand through her hair as she nodded.

I'll never forget cradling her to my chest that night. I've never seen such a beautiful broken princess before then but it's a sight I never want to see again.

It seems like she forgot what I said earlier which I can't help but be relieved.

Jenna moves out of my grip as she goes to go back inside. "Hey Tyler?"

"Jenna bean?'

"I love you."


Such fluff and seriousness.

I still don't get how this book has gotten so many reads in short notice. It's not the best but thank you everyone.

How was this chapter though?

Love, Zayne

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