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It was around 9:00 p.m and Amethyst lay in bed after the busy day they had. She was very happy about her friends being understanding of her and Pearls relationship. But... she was worried.

Pearl was combing her salmon pink hair at her small dresser. "We really are gonna need to clean up a bit so we can have more room to move" Pearl said as she looked around at all the things cluttered around the room.

Amethyst sighed into her pillow "I'll clean up tomorrow Pearl, I promise." Amethyst sighed. Pearl looked over at her smol worried girlfriend.

"Are u alright honey?" Pearl said as she sat at the edge of the bed. Amethyst shrugged. Pearl ran her fingers through Amethyst's long fluffy hair.

Amethyst smiled weakly at Pearl "sorry if I seem so eh... it's just my mind making me think..." Amethyst said. Pearl turned the lights off and payed down next to Amethyst. "You wanna talk about it?.." Pearl said while lightly stroking Amethyst's hair.

Amethyst shook her head shakily "not right now.... can u just hold me please?.." Amethyst said with a sad look on her face. Pearl nodded and wrapped her arms around Amethyst. Amethyst began to tear up.

"I'm worried about u..." Pearl said as she held Amethyst close.
"Don't be worried about me..." Amethyst said as she smiled weakly.
"Your my girlfriend... I can't just ignore the fact that ur sad..." Pearl said softly.

Amethyst wrapped her arms around Pearl "I'm just scared that we won't be allowed to be together..." Amethyst said as a few tears streamed down her face.
"What do you mean?..." Pearl said as she wiped Amethyst's tears away.

"Don't u know who our president is now?!?...." Amethyst said crying softly.
"Oh right..." Pearl thought.
"I'm scared that he'll make it harder for us... I finally got u... and I don't wanna loose you.." Amethyst cried.

Pearl held Amethyst closer "your not gonna loose me. Well move to Canada if he tries to stop us from getting married." Pearl said. And with that Amethyst began to calm down.

Pearl wiped away Amethyst's tears. "Thank you for making me feel better" Amethyst said softly.
"Your welcome my love" Pearl said sweetly.

Amethyst's smiled and then proceeded to pull Pearl in for a kiss. Pearl blushed an kissed back. They kissed passionately and lovingly.

Suddenly Pearl felt something wet in her mouth. "DID SHE SLIP HER TONGUE INTO THE KISS?!?!?" Pearl thought as she blushed dark red. Amethyst sure had slipped her tongue in the kiss just like Pearl had suspected. Amethyst let her tongue explore the insides of Pearl's mouth.

Suddenly Pearl let out a small soft moan. Amethyst's face turned bright red and she pulled away from the kiss quickly. Pearl covered her mouth, not knowing what noise had come out of her delicate mouth.

Pearl and Amethyst stared at each other and each was blushing a deep dark red.
Suddenly Amethyst began to laugh as she blushed. "That. Sounded. So. Adorable!" Amethyst laughed. "WHAT?!?" Pearl squawked as she blushed even more.

Amethyst was laughing and she cuddled with Pearl. Pearl soon began to laugh as well~

~sorry for not posting guys~
Btw is this working?!? It's telling me that there is only about 2 sentences ;;
Update ~ nvm it is working :3

Pearlmethyst: A New Beginning (College Gems AU)Where stories live. Discover now