Questioning Everything

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Amethyst felt very sick.
To sick to go to school. She lay in bed drinking tea that Pearl had made her. It was very sweet and delicious.

Pearl walked out of the bathroom "ok Amethyst I'll tell your teachers you were sick and turn your homework in." Pearl said as she grabbed her bookbag.

"Ok P" Amethyst said. Pearl stopped and looked at Amethyst "is that my nickname?" Pearl chuckeled

"Uh yeah. I just like making nicknames for my friends" Amethyst said as she turned a little red.

"Ok well see ya later" Pearl said as she left.

Amethyst waved then as soon as Pearl left Amethyst let out a big sigh.
"What is wrong with me? Calling her P. Hugging her? Amethyst remember last time?!? What happened. Your pain?!?" She said as she smacked herself. "And also the one you like is her as in pearl?! The girl that fights with you? The girl thats a nerd. The girl thats really cute?" Then she realised What she had said.

"Why why why!!! I just wont tell Pearl i like her. I dont wanna repeat my highschool years again. I wouldn't be able to live." Amethyst thought as she cried a few tears. She wiped them up and got up.

"Come on Amethyst. Get a hold of yourself. Your juat emotional you probably dont even like her. You have to get up and do something." She said as she quickly got dressed and grabbed her bookbag.

Sometimes talking to yourself actually does help!


Pearl was heading to her class. She felt really bad for Amethyst being sick. But she felt good for helping her.
Rose had always cared for Pearl when Pearl was feeing down.
"I wonder if Amethyst likes my company." Pearl thought, "I feel like she doesn't like me being there." Pearl wanted everyone to like her.
Then she began to wonder "I wonder what Amethyst was dreaming about, she was yelling the words no and crying. I bet something bad has happened to her." Pearl thought.

She walked and then she saw Amethyst running towards her.
When Amethyst caught up next to her she smiled and said "You feeling better Amethyst?"
"Yeah i guess your tea had some healing powers." Amethyst chuckled.

"Im glad that your feeling better" Pearl said as she put ber hand on Amethyst's hair.

"Im glad to. Thanks for caring." Amethyst grinned.

Pearl was happy she had helped.
Amethyst was happy she had someone who cared for her.

They were happy.


One of the most happy chapters. So we had Amethyst question her past and her present. She also thinks she might like Pearl but Amethyst thinks its nothing. Pearl wonders of Amethyst likes her company. But they end up walking to class together happily. But remember the story isn't over yet!!!

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