Ticci Toby x reader (wittle limey)

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"Come on, just wear it!" "No!" I push the dress away from my face as Sally held it there. "Please! It's my birthday!" She started giving me the deadly puppy eyes. "No. Please not the puppy eyes! Must resist!" I started to struggle with saying no but those eyes man. If it was possible I would dead of cuteness and guilt. She started to cry, I knew she was fake crying cause she does this to everyone when she wants her way.


I snatch the dress from her hands as she just stood there smiling. I push open the bathroom door and walk in to change. The dress was short and pushed up my chest way more than I would like. "WHY DOES SHE EVEN A DRESS LIKE THIS?!?!" I nervously walk out of the bathroom. "You look cute!" "Yeah, thanks Sally..." She grabbed my hand and started dragging to the party in the living room.

I kept getting wolf whistles as Sally pulled me through the living room. She suddenly pushed me towards someone.

"H-hey ther-there Y-Y/n!"

"Oh god! Please not him! I don't want him to se- WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I felt a hand go up my dress and on my ass. "I-I see sa-sally m-ma-made y-you wea-wear the dre-dress I got y-you~" "WHAT!?!" He let out a chuckle and picked me up. I squeak and wrap my legs around his whist, hoping he wouldn't drop me. "T-Toby put m-me down!" He smirks and shakes his head 'no' before starting to leave the living room. "Toby! Sally's birthday!" "I-I t-told her I wan-wanted to spen-spend q-qua-quality ti-time with you ea-earlier and sh-she sa-said tha-that wa-was fin-fine~" I hear him open a door and I was guessing that it was he had just opened his room. "Please don't tell me he's going to do what I think he's going to do..."

《About an 15 minutes later》

(Little limey~)

"TOBY~!" My back arched off the bed as I came. Goddamn, he made me come with just his tongue. My body shaked as I tried to calm down from my orgasm. "O-oh sweet fuck~" Toby suddenly was hovering over me.

"We ain't done yet babe~"

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