Sally x male beast reader

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You're that beast up there ^ and since Sally's 8 this will only be friendship.

Your pov.

I don't know why but I was falling, falling through the dark winter air. Dark red droplets of my blood were falling above me as wind pushed against my body with the harder I fell. Why was I falling? Why was I bleeding?
And how far until I hit the ground?

My dark orange feathers falling out of me as tall trees started filling my peripheral view.

The grounds getting closer, isn't it? There's no saving myself anymore, I guess this will be the end of me.

My body collided with the ground and a horrible pain shot ran through my body. Feathers and snow puffing up around me as my body created a crater in the forest ground. The snow starting to turn a deep red because of my bleeding body. My wings bleeding and broken, my ribs so broken around my lungs that I was getting sharp pains with every breath I took.

I need to get up and find some help!

Little Sally's pov.

Mister Slenderman said I could play outside today but stay close close, I kinda didn't listen.

I had a huge smile on my face as I ran through the newly fallen snow. Gigging and sticking out my tongue; trying to get some snow on it. I made a few snowballs and threw them at some trees since I don't have anyone else to play with. As I picked up another snowball, I noticed a little bit of blood staining the snow in my hands. I dropped it pretty quickly after that but I then noticed the trail of blood. Being curious, I started following where it lead. 

The more I followed lead to the more things I started finding. Like orange feathers that were just laying in the snow with the bits of blood. But a whimper and then a hard thud brought my attention back to following the trail, now much more curious because this trail lead to an still alive animal. I hurried to find what was hurt, "Maybe there's a way for me to help it." I ran through the cold snow but stopped when I saw a big ball of bloody orange and red feathers. It's breath heavy and shaky as it laid there in pain because of the spears in it's wings and back. But even like that it still was trying to stand up, fighting for it's life. 

"Please don't get up, you'll hurt yourself more!"

It collapses under it's own weight and it's wounds, it's head then looking at me since it now knew there was someone else. "Hel-help me, plea-please." It tried getting up again, only to fall painfully back onto the ground under it. "Stay here! I'll get someone to help you!"

~Tiny time skip~

I was in the mansion, panicking. "Maybe I should get Ej to help me, should I just get what I need, I don't know!"  I decided to go get Jack so I ran down the hall to his room. Accidentally slamming into his door pretty hard, which apparently scared him since I saw that he had spit out the piece of chewed up kidney he was eating. "Jack I need your help!" I grabbed one of his bigger better med kits and pushed it up at his face/mask. "Sally, calm down! What's wrong!?" I whined and started trying to pull him. Getting him out of the house actually since he was too confused to stop and pull against me. "Sally, slow down a bit! I'm going to trip!" 

Tiny bit of Ej's pov.

The farther she pulled me into the snowy woods the more I started smelling blood, lots of blood. She suddenly stopped, making me trip a bit since I wasn't ready for that. But since she started pulling on my arms I didn't fully fall down. "Help him please!" I didn't see it at first (HIs mask helps him see, don't question it!) because I was falling all over the place but that huge orange feathered beast was laying in front of me and sally. It's breathing labored as it bled out, dying the snow around it a deep red.  "Holy shit, what is this thing?"

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