Ben Drowned x Water nymph reader

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This is about the ben that's chained under water and all alone. Until there's someone new in his waters and finally he's not alone anymore

Ben drowned pov.

I sat there alone under the cold ass water, my hands fiddling with the chains that kept me in there. I mean I had nothing better to do while down there besides just sitting there. I really need something to do while I'm stuck down here. I sink down to the bottom of the lake and gently draw in the mud that was there. I ended up drawing a dick and snickering as I looked at it but once I got over it, I just brushed my hand over it and got rid of it. 

I slowly got more flooded with emotions before I caved in, which made me kick at the mud as I cried out. And I just ended up sitting down as a cloud of dusty mud swirled around me as I cried my bloody tears. My hands covered my face but it didn't hide that I was crying, the water was getting slightly red around my face from my tears. But through my fingers I could see a shadow through the muddy dust. Though when I looked at it, it had swam away. But it had a human like body so I got up and tried to swim after it, but I got too far and my chains caught up to me. Having them slightly pull me back cause I had pulled on them with such force. Then I realized something, I could call out to them and maybe they'll come back. "Hey, please don't leave me! I've been alone for so long!"

I sat there floating, waiting for that person or whatever it was to come back but they left me there alone...again.... Like everything else does when they see me. More tears poured down my cheeks as I screamed and pulled my hat down, having cover my face as I sunk back down to the bottom of the lake.

My body shook with how hard I was sobbing while I was speaking my mind, which was basically that cries for me to not be alone anymore. But I knew that there wasn't anything down here with me that could hear my cries. Though when I uncovered my face, I saw that there was a lotus flower laying in the mud in front of me. "That wasn't there before...?"

I looked around and saw something or someone shift quickly to hide behind a huge rock that was down there. I swallowed slightly and wiped my tears away as much as possible then picked up the flower to look at it. I closed my eyes for a few minutes before I felt the current of the water shift really fast in front of me. And when I opened my eyes I saw that whatever was down there with me had left two more lotus flowers in front of me. I looked around, "What is the meaning of all this?!" I rubbed my eyes with the bit of frustration and sighs pretty heavily.

But I felt the current move again around me, though when I opened my eyes I saw something more than just some flowers. I saw a girl with long flowing hair floating in front of me. She was naked but not, she had breasts and a crotch but the parts weren't really there. She was like otherworldly, she honestly was beautiful. I couldn't help but just stare at her, her flowing hair around her head making her look like it was an aura around her. I couldn't even form words because of her beauty.

"You wanted to know...I guess I had to show myself." She gently brushed her hair back as she looked down at the lotus flower in my hand. I gently shook my head and swallowed before saying anything, "u-um yeah, who are you? What are you?" She sighs softly, "Well my name is Y/n, and I'm a water nymph. I've lived down here for many years and have been watching you." She moved her hand and gently cupped my cheek. I had missed other people's touch so much that when she had held my cheek I had naturally leaned into her hand. I then realized what I did and I looked up at her as my face darkening with embarrassment, but at least when I looked up I could see that she was blushing with me.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to do that." I pulled away from her hand and rubbed the back of my neck as I looked down at the ground. God why did I do that? I'm so stupid! I then felt her soft hand under my chin, making me look back up her. "I'm always around, just yell out if you need me again." She lean down and give me a tender kiss to my forehead before swimming off into the darker area of the lake.

I guess I'm not as alone as I thought...

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