Nurse Ann x child male reader

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My real mommy left me here, alone and cold in this abandoned hospital. And I sat there where she had told me to sit and wait for her to come back. It had been hours since she left me here. I had cried a few times because a little voice in the back of my head told me she wasn't coming back. And I was starting to think that she had abandoned me here. I put my knees against my chest and tried to stay warm. I lean my head against my knees and start crying again. "Plea-please com-come back, mo-mommy." My eyes were getting heavy as I was getting tired. Sleep wrapped it's warm, comforting arms around me and I hugged back.

I woke up to the sound of heels [I know she wears flats, not heels! Don't be mad at me!] on the cement floor. "Mommy?" The footsteps get closer and I could see the outline of someone standing in front of me. "What are you doing in here, child?" The voice sounded female. She came into the light of the moon. She looked like a nurse but instead of a white uniform hers was black. "My mommy left me here." Her eyes soften as I said that. "Will you be....." I mumbled the last of my sentence under my breath.

She walks towards me and stops once she was in front of me. She puts a gloved hand under my chin and made me look up. "Speak up , child." I swallow hard and look right at her. "Will you be my new mommy?" She seemed taken back from my question. She sighs a little before picking me up. "What is your name, child?" "M/n." "I am Nurse Ann." She turns around with me still in her arms and started walking down the hall.

"Your hair is pretty, mommy."
".....Thank you, my child."

Short, I know but whatever. I hope you enjoyed reading this crap...

The Gas Mask Maiden

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