Masky x proxy reader lemon

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Y/n walked in the empty halls, seeing a few other creepypastas. But she soon made it to Slenderman's office. Now there, she stops in front of the to big doors and knocks. "You may come in." Came the deep voice of her boss from the other side. Y/n opens one of the doors to see Slenderman reading a book on the opposite side of his desk. "Sir, I finished the paperwork you said I needed to do." She said while sliding the papers across the desk to him.

"Thank you Y/n, ah and before I forget Masky wanted to talk to you." "Thanks for telling me, but did he say anything about what he wanted me for?" "No." She nodded and turn around to leave so she could meet up with Masky to see what he wanted to talk about.

Once at Masky's door, she knocked and waited for an answer. The door opens, both masked proxies staring at each other untill Y/n finally said something. "Slenderman said you wanted to talk to me about something." "Yeah, uh, come in." Y/n walked in and then turned to look back at him. He had closed the door after her before speaking, "I kind of wanted to talk about us." Y/n's heart dropped, "About us?" "Yeah, uh, it's hard to explain. Just close your eyes please." She saw him walk closer so he was now right in front of her. Y/n was nervous now that he was closer but did as he said and closed her eyes. She felt him start to take off her mask, leading her to flinch. Though once her mask was off, Masky place his lips on hers; kissing her.

Her eyes widened to meet Masky's dark brown, half lidded eyes. They both pulled away from each other slowly as if not wanting to separate. But when finally apart y/n looked down, blushing brightly. Masky has never seen her face and her with his, so they took each other's looks in. Though the only person who has seen Y/n's face was hoodie. And it was an accident cause he walked in to her room while she was getting dressed after a shower. But Masky leaned down and nuzzles his face in the crook of her neck and with a chuckle said, "You know what pisses me off?" Y/n shuttered at Masky's hot breathe on her ear and neck as he spoke but gave him a confused shake of her head. "It's that hoodie got to see your face plus your beautiful naked body before I got too." "He told you about that?" Yeah, me and hoodie don't keep secrets. He's also told me that he has caught you staring at me quite a few times when we work together." Y/n's face burned at what he had told plus that she could feel his hands moving from her hips down to her ass instead.

Y/n covered her face in Masky's chest. He then took advantage of that and put his chin on the top of (y/n) head while muttering, "Am I pushing you too much?" She looked up at him and shakes her head before reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck and lean in for a deep kiss. Which left Masky surprised and returning the kiss after he realized he needed to.


Masky started pulling off her f/c shirt. While Y/n tugged on his shirt, so he took it off for his shy lover.  She soon started to purr as Masky had begun to kiss and lick her neck and chest. His hands then went behind her and went to unhook her bra. Y/n then felt her bra become loose and tried to cover up, but Masky's hands got there before she could. But after gently feeling her breasts, he pulled away to put his hands on the back of her thighs and picks her up. She yelped and wraps her legs around his waist to help keep herself up. "Did I scare you?" He says with a chuckle. "No, you just surprised me." He gave her an chuckle before kissing her, biting her lip asking for permission.

Y/n open her mouth, letting their tongues dance together as he gently placed her onto his bed.  She moaned as Masky starting to dry hump her while they kiss, but he lead their kiss down to her neck and giving that soft kisses. He growls lightly and pulls her (pants/shorts) down though he went to pull her panties down she didn't let him right now, "HEY NO! If I don't get to wear clothes, you don't either!" Masky laughs at Y/n's pouting but agreed with her, starting to pull off his clothes for her. "Alright alright." Y/n's blush darkened at seeing the big ass tent in his boxers. "See something you like?" Y/n just nodded, too embarrassed to form words to actually answer him. Masky grabbed her chin though, making her look up at his face instead of his bulge. "Eyes up here, babe." He then went down to her covered pussy, grabbing her panties and pulling them off her. Y/n shuttered at the coldness of the room when she now fully naked.

Y/n's eyes were on Masky while he looked up at her with a smug face as he shoved two digits into her warm core. Y/n's body jolted as he did it, though masky was enjoying y/n's reactions while he thrust his fingers in and out of her. He then leaned down and started to suck and bite on her cilt. Y/n moaned out wanting more, her legs even wrapping around his neck so she could keep him close. Masky even had to hold y/n's hips down with one hand cause she started to buck her hips against his face. "Masky pl-please just fuck me already. Ah~"

"Are you sure?" Masky said as he pulled away, licking his lips of her juices. Y/n nodded eagerly, her body trembling from the treatment Masky just was giving her. "Okay, If you think you're ready." He pulls off his boxers and throws them to some random corner of the room before getting over her again. "Are you sure, Y/n? You don't have to if you don't want to." "Masky it's okay, I want you to be my first." (Hella corny, but I don't care) He lined himself up and trusted his hard member into her tight entrance. Y/n whines and claws into Masky's back from the pain. While Masky groaned the tight wet walls of Y/n's pussy and that she was clawing into him, but that part he didn't care about. With it being her first time, he understood that she was in some pain. He slowly pulled out and pushed back in, trying to get her used to his size within her tight pussy.

"You c-can move fas-faster now." Masky nodded and thrusted faster into her. "Goddamn,'re so tight~" Y/n moved her hands from his back to his neck and tighten her grip around his neck, pulling him closer to her shaking body. Their bodies being so close, and them loving every single second of it. Y/n running her fingers through Masky's hair while he was leaving marks on her neck to show that she is his and his alone. Masky's thrusts started getting sloppy and y/n's walls tighten around his shaft. Showing that they were both close to cumming.

"Ma-Masky~! I'm clo-close~!" Y/n panted out. "Me too~" His thrusts getting harder and quicker. They finished with a scream of each others name. Pulling out, Masky then fall to y/n's side while panting. While she then leaned into his chest, shivering as she felt his cum pouring out of her.

"I've been wanting to do that forever ago. But never had the balls too." "Yeah.......I love you masky."
"Heh love you too."

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